eeeeek! I’m so excited

I feel like I’m getting ready for a wedding or something just fantabulous is about to happen. Focusing on work… yeah right HAHA!

I woke up this morning and God told me that my life was getting ready to change. I receive that in the name of Jesus. I have another song brewing in my spirit and with a composition that our producer gave me it’s going to be soooo nice! I love this! I could wake up everyday blessing God and writing songs to and about him all the time!

Quincy called me and told me to print out his resume’s he is ready to leave. I’ve done so now. He said he found out this place that he’s been trying to get into for the past 6 months has called a couple of his coworkers back and they have interviews. He said they will be pulling two more resume’s this week and I am kin to an employee that works there so I’ll give it to her and have her hand it in to HR. He already has a resume in their database online but it;s good to show who ya know and have them hand it in for reminder as well.

I dunnno what God is getting ready to do but I welcome the change. I am also taking the realist approach to his word for the first time in my life. I know that change is hard from recent past experience and some changes I won’t like,  and I may have hardship and heartache because of it. But i welcome that as well. As long as God has my back I don’t care what happens. And I promise not to eat my words later on saying that lol.


Okay on to working. I think I MIGHT take a half day vacation to get some things done before dress rehearsal tonight. Tomorrow is beauty and relaxation. WE all have hair appointments,  we have to get our nails and toes done (open toed shoes),  We have to press our outfits and take atleast and hour to calm down come together and pray. That’s Friday’s agenda lol.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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February 28, 2008

Just makes me giggle hearing all this. Woo, so girlie 🙂 I love it. RYN: Thanks again for all the encouragement. ((HUGS))

Quincy is long over due for a great job to come along and claim him.

Good luck to Quincy and that job opening. He deserves to find a job that will appreciate him and not be so overworked. And good luck to you and the rest of the girls tomorrow!!!!! You will all be in my prayers. Is the woman who sick feeling better yet?

February 28, 2008

How exciting!

I’m excited for you! Thanks for the smile on my face : ). Yay for Q

that is awesome, yaay

I’m excited too! Smooches…