dunt duna dunnnnn

So I told one of my sista friends about that prophetic dream. She has the gift to interpret dreams. When i explained this dream to her she almost started crying. SHe said everything that I told her was fresh in her head and she remembered every detail and it has to do with our church. She is writing it down and will give me the details later. I’m a lil nervous about this dream because there were people dieing in it and someone very close to me getting a divorce. I got the confirmation out of that dream talking to my cousin that is the gossiper. She didn’t know that by running her mouth she was confirming some things. I almost started crying and I kept wanting her to Leave but God said no. You need to hear these confirmations. I can’t run from the calling. It’s already a part of me. I can’t even sleep without it coming to me.

When i prayed my prayers of committment I knew what I was getting myself into so I’m just gonna trust God. I know I will lose loved ones and friends behind the Word God has for them but so be it. Man can’t put me in heaven and he shol’ can’t get me kicked out. I make those decisions. ANd I think God’s opinion is just a little more important than how ppl may ‘feel’.

So anyways….. I worked out this morning! Yay me. It was only for about 15-20 minutes but that was because I was in a time crunch but 15-20 minutes vs. nothing is an improvement. I think I am really getting over the fact that I really am starting over again yanno. One of my obstacles was comparing my success of being 60 lbs lighter in 2006 and managing to gain it all back in 2007 and how easily I gained. My frame can’t even hold all of this weight for real. So guess what. I am serious this time. It’s coming off. I will make a prayer of committment to get it all back off and then some. Hey this is life and I have to be healthy enough to enjoy it right?


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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March 6, 2008

RYN: I tried answering the questions Snoozy asked. Just a caution. Meditate on what Proverbs say about a gossiper, or one who carries evil reports. You’re definately one of my favs

I hear you on gaining easily. 15 minutes is something. Every little bit is good for you.

March 6, 2008

I always wonder if those dreams/revelations are a sign of what is to come and you can’t change it. Or if it means we are to pray for it not to happen? Are we to reveal it (I know some prophets are designated to bring it to light)? Speak it out to make it known (not gossip, but amognst the prayer warriors). Is the church leadership suppost to address it? I know God wil reveal it to you. Posted a new entry with some follow up on the Tribe of Levi, I thought you might find interesting. I have it on Favs only. I’m not ready to broadcast this until I’ve got a better grasp of it’s meaning. But seriously, I can not believe the response I’ve gotten from people on this. Amazing. Absolutely stunning.

March 6, 2008

ryn: Bet ya weren’t born when that one came out tho! Uh-oh, looks like a Termi infestation.

March 6, 2008

I’m fighting the same battle, but it’s so much bigger of a fight than it ever was before and that is discouraging. However, I have to become rededicated to it AGAIN. Pray for me girl.

March 6, 2008

RYN: Did you guys have an outline or notes? 🙂 I would love to grab even more info on the subject of the line of Levi. I’m bursting out of my skin today.!!

March 6, 2008

I find dreams fascinating. I have certain dreams I dread because the meaning is always someone will pass away. When I dream of snakes, it mostly means enemies. At least we could pray about it and ask for divine intervention.

March 6, 2008

your dream sounds scary. i’m afraid of some of my dreams. some of them have been bad. realllly bad. but congrats on pressing forward in these areas of your life. Change IS hard. but necessary. God bless

March 7, 2008

Hey, by now you should be getting a lot of snow. Um, nice scenery, is that your back yard?