Doing pretty good

Went walking this morning that makes 2 days in a row yay me. I get up @ 5:00AM hit the road by 5:30 and i get back home at about 6:00-6:30, and when I get home i go to my own little area of the house and I worship and pray. I’m taking baby steps right now because of me getting over the cold,  and just having so much excess weight I get really tired really fast so lately like even walking a few feet or up a flight of stairs.  On the worship end I really feel like God is calling me to do this. My Personal Worship and prayer time  is really getting back to where it’s supposed to be so I’m happy about that.

I went back to my fotki photo website to document my weightloss again (something about doing that really makes me accountable and get serious about it). I bought an Acai supplement from GNC and will get the detox as well to get the good antioxidants that the product raves about. I’ve been doing really good with water and tea since I’ve been sick and last night I made a pot of split pea soup that is the BIZOMB! I have enough to last me the rest of the week.

I told Big Q that it’s good that he start buying the snacks that he knows I won’t eat lol. Like I don’t like Lemonade which he loves,  and grapefruit which he and the kids like,  or anything tart or sour. i think I’ll be alright though.

Oh and i found this really interesting. Is anyone else tripping off of the fact that the clock goes forward this weekend? Isn’t that a little soon. I always thought the clocks spring forward like in May or June or something. This seems to soon to me maybe I’m tripping.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I detest the move ahead, lose an hour time change. It screws me up terribly. Proud of you for getting out there walking! Keep it up! It’s important to get a hold of your health now!

yeah it does seem to be here quite soon, the time change. Dang lol, i wish they’d just leave the hr mess alone, so we don’t have to change anything.

March 6, 2009

Wow, glad you said something about Springing ahead. I was completely unaware! Eish!

Oh, I love grapefruit!

a couple of years ago they decided to change the weekend for the clock moving.