Doing better

Chin up people it’s FRIDAY! The weekend is so near.

I feel so much better since I stayed home yesterday and rested. Lexy is over my cousins house today and I’m back at work. About to go on lunch in a minute. Cramps have succeeded and I’m still drinking water! Yess. 5 days straight with no water this is soo good. I almost went 5 days with no fast food until Big Q went and got takeout cause he thought that i’d be too pooped to cook after work one day.

Lil Q’s brithday is Sunday so I’m having a sleepover for him on Saturday at the LaQuinta Inn. They can go swimming and trash the rooms and I won’t have to clean a thing! Works for me. Boys are so messy and disgusting it HAS to be like this lol.

All he wants is a skateboard and 3 games. My children are so grateful when it comes to gifts I’m so proud of him for being considerate in his gifting choices. I know also that a couple of years ago his daddy when off on him about wasting money on useless gifts that he will play with for 5 minutes then never look at again so both of the kids are very meticulous about the gifts that they ask for and they make sure to play with them at all times. plus they get allowance for saving and spending so it’s not a big deal yanno? Cool.

Oh yeah today is the meeting. dummm da dumm dumm dummmm (scary music)

I wonder exactly how reporting will change cause my boss in belgium has been really distant from me in the pass few days and passing the buck as far as purchases so I dunno if I’ll be reporting to coworker or not. Lawd help me if I do  cause he can be so condescending and annoying at times. Has anyone ever been to a job where EVERYONE discusses their life,  family,  kids,  cars,  houses? I mean I know in some places that’s the norm and since the employees here have been here for ever that is the case but I just don’t FEEL compelled to tell everyone about my business. I never have been at any job and I notice alot of people do that. That is so weird to me. Like when I get home I don’t talk about work and while at work I don’t talk about home. Everything has it’s place in my head I guess. *Shrugs*

Anyhoo I stole this from Cyclinchick and Blessed beauty so please indulge me why don’t you lol



Answer the questions for me, then post the same ones in your entry(if you want to) and I’ll return the favor.

1. Your name.
2. your birthday.
3. Your place of residence. (you can be as vague about this as you like.)
4. A guilty pleasure.
5. Your favorite band/singer/song (or all three!).
6. Your favorite lyric.
7. How you found my OD.
8. Why you read my OD.
9. Three completely fabulous things about yourself.
10. Anything else you feel compelled to share with me.



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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February 15, 2008

1)elizabeth 2)2/25/1989 3)indiana 4)ilove lounging around and reading a book into the wee hours of the morning 5)ohhh hard one-taylor swift-blink 182-and…papa roach? 6)i absolutely love the song “only hope” by mandy moore 7)i don’t remember how i found your OD 8)you’re fun to read and you always note me! 9) one-i am really happy with my life right now

February 15, 2008

9 cont) two- i consider myself to be a good person three- i want to leave a mark on the lives of other’s, that’s my biggest goal, 10) i’m sorry i haven’t kept up w/ your entries lately, i’ll try harder in the future. 😀

1. Your name. Nekia 2. your birthday. 4/9/79 3. Your place of residence. (you can be as vague about this as you like.) Indiana, the boring state lol 4. A guilty pleasure. soda hehe 5. Your favorite band/singer/song (or all three!). MJ and BSB 6. Your favorite lyric. can’t think of one lol 7. How you found my OD. not 100% sure, i think it was thru eb 8. Why you read my OD. because its always so interesting, and i read all my faves hehe 9. Three completely fabulous things about yourself. good cook, good friend, good person 10. Anything else you feel compelled to share with me. I’ll try to be more note-ey lol.

Happy birthday to Little Q. Hotel parties were always fun as a kid so I’m sure that the boys will all have a fun time. 1. Your name. Kristin 2. your birthday. 8/8/72 3. Your place of residence. (you can be as vague about this as you like.) Minnesota 4. A guilty pleasure. Chocolate 5. Your favorite band/singer/song (or all three!). Dean Martin, LOL! I love that old stuff.6. Your favorite lyric. I have no idea. 7. How you found my OD. I don’t know if you found me or I found you. I know we share a couple of favs (Tameca & Reina)because I’ve seen their notes here. 8. Why you read my OD. I think you are great and your entries always make me feel good. 9. Three completely fabulous things about yourself. I love shoes, I have blue eyes, I’m a happy person. 10. Anything else you feel compelled to share with me. I just had a 3 hour nap this afternoon. Doh! I didn’t mean to do that and I’m usually not a napper but man, it felt good.

February 16, 2008

it doesn’t usually hurt, just gets irritated sometimes.