Decision’s been made

Well after much prayer and consideration I have decided not to take the offer to go to the new company. And so have more than half of my collegues here. I am opting to take my severance package and to file for unemployment.

I have been sending out my resume and getting replies like crazy and have a couple of interviews lined up. Turns out I make WAY less money than what I am supposed to make for the expertise that I have. I make close to 5 dollars less than what the industry standard is and I make much less than my coworkers around me. If I’d opted to go to this new company I would continue to be underpaid and not only that, but be under very close surviellance and possibly let go withinb 6 months anyway. We’ve already figured out this companies strategy seeing as how they just had a big layoff back in August because they sent a bunch of their company’s accounts up to Canada. Our phase in and phase out would’ve been to bring us in and get them familiar with our accounts so that they could send them overseas and then we are stuck not only without a job, but also without much of a qualification for unemployment. I put a salary requirement in negotiations for my job search and found out that my expectations were pretty low to employers.

My Dh has a pretty good permanent Job with benefits so for the time being he will hold down the fort and cover the health ins. for the family and I will work contractor jobs to get good money coming in , more experience under my belt, and possible get hired into a good company. I have submitted some resumes to some pretty big franchise companies in the area that I am a good fit for so I’m hopeful about that.

Not only that. My biggest deciding factor was this morning while in communion with my daddy he spoke some words to me then confirmed it in the scriptures. I can’t go too far into detail but my scripture that I’m standing on is this

 Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him, He that cometh unto God must believe that He is; and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

This is my season of faith. Of believing that HE is all that I proclaim him to be. He IS my provider, my comforter, my peace, my shelter, my father, my mother, my everything. And Everything is in His hands. God once spoke to me when something that I’d depended on him for fail through the cracks and my faith in him completing it began to waiver. He said: Whose side are you leaning on? Whose report will you believe? Well I confess that from now on I’m only believing the report of the Lord. I can honestly say I’ve been apart of this faith experience for a long time and I’m good at encouraging others and God has given me a gift of inspiration but sometimes I have my downfalls and my thorns in my side to to bring out my human nature. That is my all time war, it is with this flesh. But I am determined not to doubt God. Fear is just the opposite of Faith basically and I’m not given a spirit of fear, but of love, of power, and of a sound mind through Jesus Christ. So As I stand and walk in victory I pray that yall join me in the journey.


Yesterday I found out that my little sister was in the hospital with headache pains and the doctor thinks she may have had an aneurysm on her brain or a brain tumor and they want her to get a spinal tap but she is refusing. I could’ve let that shake my faith but I began to declare to the devil that he is a liar and that she will be safe and I’m going to stay on her butt until she goes to the doctor about all of this. I’ve been one praying sister lately and I intend to stay that way. i could sit back and focus on me me me, but that is not why God called me out to be a prayer warrior. I know that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the Glory which God is going to reveal in me and I encourage anyone else that’s going through this to stand upon the rock that is Jesus Christ.


And a quick update to the link that I posted in my last entry I’ll explain a bit farther and place it at the bottom of this link as well.

I was working and didn’t have time to go into detail for long but it’s an expose on what is going on in the middle east and how there is an uprising up NAZI Islamists and they are trying to wipe out Israel and all jews. Though it is overseas is does effect us. ANd they were showing the hezballah news cast and what they are brainwashing the ppl over there to think about us as americans and israel to enrage a war and breed hate from people there. None of this is being shown to us by fox news or msnbc, or abc news, But Glenn brook is exposing it and when I saw it all I could think of was the scriptures detailing of wars and rumors of wars in the end. The end is very very near. So i wanted to alert all that it is time to pray. Hope that helps clear it up……..

This is a 40 minute long clip but it DOES affect us. Please watch it when you get a chance.

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December 15, 2006

Glad your decision has been made….! I’m sure everything is going to be well!

Good luck with the job search. I hope everything turns out okay with your sister.

Praying for the right job to be there for you and for your sister too. Keep looking up!! 🙂

I am standing in agreement right with you…for real! God is FAITHFUL 🙂 I hope your sister hears you out sooner than later…

well good for you and your decision, it’s wrong for them to make you take a paycut or lose your job. They sound very cheap. im prayin you find a better, and great payin job with benefits soon.

December 15, 2006

Agreeing with you in your prayers for your sis. Watched part of the video. I am not surprised it’s happening over there. You hear something inflammatory like that here in the radio but I usually not hear it. Let’s pray against it!

December 18, 2006

I think things will be just fine… for your sister….I’ll keep her in my prayers…and hopefully someone can convince her to get things checked out soon….