Cut hair, Had my peter experience




Hey guys just wanted to let you know that recently I have cut all of the relaxer out of my hair and am now all Naturale lol. I have a tiny red afro and I love love love it! My natural hair has never been this short so it;s a new experience for me. I love it because it really brings out my face and it’s features I don’t feel covered up and I don’t have to work with two completely different textures of hair (natural newgrowth 2 inches and relaxed ends) and trying to make them work together. THAT was a headache lol. I’ll post a pic here in just a second so you guys can see the new do’.

This past week we had our Pastoral anniversary for my pastor and it was AMAZING! I don’t say that lightly at all. There was a guy that came out to preach and the theme for the week was hidden jewels. He preached and he prophesied and the spirit of the Lord was so heavy in the place it was amazing. He prophesied some things to me and read me like a book. i know it was God because the things that he was saying there was absolutely no way that he could know any of it. He had never met me before. He told me that God was getting ready to pour out an overwhelming blessing in my life but i have to let go of some people that have hurt me. Let go of some people that have wounded me stepped on me and left me for dead. I have to let them go. I thought to myself and actually I say for the last 3 years whenever God uses someone to speak to me that is what they say…. let go,  don’t worry about the past. So He prayed with me to think Faith over feelings and by faith release those people and myself. I started worshipping God and he stopped me. He told me that because I was a worshipper I knew how to go straight into his presence and just love on him but right now God wants me to come back down to earth and hear everything that is being said to me. So I did. And I put my hands up and he told me to repeat after him that I release these people by faith never to pick them up again and I am believeing God for total deliverance from them. I did and it was like something came over me and I couldnt move. My knees got weak and I fainted.  When i opened my eyes I felt out of it. I got up and rested and relaxed and to me I was thinking okay that was the end of it I’ve released them. The pastoral concert goes on a couple more nights with powerful preaching expounding and encouraging.

Then Saturday there was a Gospel Concert. Now I’ve been singing for quite a while and I’ve always been really leery of Gospel concerts because I’ve been in them and there are some people that really do not sing or rap to the Glory of God. They are just blessed with a gift and try to use it to cover for the fact that their hearts are not pure but they feel they are a part of the kingdom. believe me I’ve seen this in demonstration many many many times. The bible says that the gifts come without repentance so yeah alot of people are blessed with the GIFT but not the ANOINTING that it takes to break the yokes of captivity over people. Anyway so I was leery about this concert and when I got there I got with my divas and we went to pray and I prayed that deliverance,  restoration, and MINISTERING was actually done all to the Glory of God and not for man’s show. Well during that concert for the first time ever in my life I saw some pure hearts in the rappers that were giving God Glory and these brothers and sisters were laying down the WORD! I mean it was ALL SCRIPTURE,  no watered down rapping with God in the hook.

There was this one guy I won’t mention his name but this young man was so powerful in his rapping he sung a song called if I could have my way and in this song he really poured out his heart towards the end of the song he stopped rapping and just started to worship God. Tears flowing and everything! I had never seen anything like that before in my life and I was so moved by his reverance for God even while performing/ministering. The next song he sung was called " keep my name out yo’ mouth" and he had the church sing the hook/chorus " If you ain’t saying nothing,  keep my name out yo’ mouth" and he was talking about the power of life and death being in the tongue and how we tear each other down when we speak negatively about each other and how is God getting Glory out of that. Especially if we are supposed to be children of the most High God?

He broke it down and when the song started we all sung the hooks "if you aint saying nothing keep my name out yo mouth" while he rapped and it was like something just came over me. And I felt the hurt of all the people that had hurt me with their words, I felt all the feelings of abandonment from my youth i began to cry and ask God how do I release these people( See after I prayed that prayer with the guy that prophesied with me,  the next day I was trying to figure out HOW to release all of the people that hurt me),  And God spoke to me,  he said now is the moment when you give them to me. I surrendered all to him and gave up those on my heart and just began to worship. And it dawned on me that through a gospel rap song I was delivered!!!! The whole place broke out in worship,  no music no nothing but pure worship from that song. I didn’t know what was going on because I was going through my thing but when I came back to i noticed that there were alot of people laying out prostrate worshipping and crying and praising God. I was so in shock! It was like a Peter experience for me. Like when Peter was on the rooftop in Acts chapter 10 and he was hungry and fell into a trance and God let down a sheet with animals and told peter to arise and eat and peter kept saying no Lord these things are unclean,  or uncommon and i can’t eat them. And God said Do Not call anything that I created Unclean or uncommon. God was at that time trying to tell Peter that Salvation was not only for the Jews but that it was for the Gentiles too, and that he needed to get over his religious perceptions and go and proclaim salvation to the Gentiles too.

Well I felt like that was my Peter moment . I had a preconcieved idea of how the concert was going to go and had my guard up and was leery and God showed me that he can create an atmosphere of worship in anything as long as the vessel’s heart is pure and they are about giving him all the Glory. Simply amazing to me.

Oh yeah and below is a pic of the new do:

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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Looks real nice, I like it hehe. Purty lady

Love the hair and am diggin your eye shadow : ). Wow you have quite the experiences! Makes my life look boring with a capital B. That concert sounds like a wonderful experience.

you are so pretty!

ryn: we all go to the same church anyway (not that i see Shawn that much often anymore, at least since he got married lol) but yeah in the dream they were church’s I did not recognize the building at all, cause our church isn’t built like that. I do wish I didn’t have dreams like that sometimes, where sex related stuff was in there somewhere. never had it been with a married man of course,but a sin is a sin either way, ya know. However it WAS just a dream, and I’d never do that, but ya know I know I’m going without “you-know-what” and that’s fine with me, doesn’t mean i don’t think about it, but it’s not worth it to just go out and do whatever just to satisfy ya know. But I would like for those dreams to cease lol, especially when they seem real. I do pray that they both stay out of trouble, devil tries best he can to mess up what God puts together, but knowing what I do know about them, it doesn’t look like they’d get in any kind of trouble.

June 18, 2009

Cute! Love the hair!

June 18, 2009

I love when it God changes things around like that! So glad God is delivering you from all that pain people have caused. The freedom is amazing to walk in and will double that ministry, b/c you aren’t bogged down with wounds from the past! ((HUGS))

June 18, 2009

ryn: sure, sis, you may share my entry with your pastor. The Catholic Charismatic renewal here started in the early 1970’s. Will tell you more about this later and hope I’l remember though.

June 19, 2009

Look how awesome God is! You’re beautiful!! But you know I’m biased when it comes to the naptural hair 😉

June 22, 2009

RYN: Thank you sister 🙂 ((HUGS)) God’s taking care of mean and doing some heart surgery. His love is so deep that it’s overwhelming.

You look beautiful!

June 24, 2009

Now that takes me back to the 70’s. All you have to do now is throw some water on it, shake it, and it’ll all fall in place. What? You never heard of 1 Tabernacle 3:11? We were doing street ministry when some sidewalk theologian tried impressing us with his Bible knowledge. He quoted something from that non-book. Lol…

June 24, 2009

Powerful service. Thanks for sharing. When I first got saved I used to go to every concert to see almost every well known gospel artist in the early 60’s. When a minister told me that a lot of these singers weren’t saved I was destroyed, devasted. How could this possibly be? I learned later how true it was.

July 31, 2009

Sorry I don’t see the note about your outdoor service. Is this the entry?