Closing the week TGIF

Okay so this is the last day of my wieght watchers week and I only have 16 points left. How do you only eat 16 points and not starve? I keep thinking of 0 point foods but they don’t sound too appealing today and i didn’t wanna spend the whole day eating jello. As a matter of fact I went walking this morning and my appetite is ravenous. It was like that yesterday when I went 16 points over my limit and this was AFTER calculating my activity points .

My energy levels has soared and as long as I don’t come home and flop down on the bed watching the boob tube I’ alright. I usually just turn on some music and try to keep moving. Thank GOD I don’t have a TV in the living room or Kitchen it would be over then. And I haven’t yet got the living room furniture that I want. My old living room furniture has been placed in the basement in the family room where the TV is. So that helps me stay active alot more.  

My points are really high beause of my weight but i can feel that I’ve lost a little so how do I keep going over my points?

I tend to notice and I used to do it alot when I lost the weight the first time. I tend to eat more when I lose weight. Like I used to have a big loss and for some unapparrent reason it would be like I would try to eat the weight back on. It was like out of habit. I never really allowed myself to get comfortable beyond my lowest weight because I felt too light or something I guess. I think it’s a mental thing. Like the weight was my protection or something,  like my safety blanket if that makes sense. I’ve heard of people not wanting the attention when they lose weight so they put it back on to be comfortable. I am not like that AT ALL lol. I love the attention….sometimes. And I’d love to keep this mess offa me.

I’ll figure this mess out and be more careful with my points and pray for a loss this week.

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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March 14, 2008

I’m sure you’ll be fine. You can’t starve all day so make the best choice possible that’s not going to leave you in the ER with low blood sugar and all that!

girl i need to do something to start maintaining my weight. is stayin on the points thing hard?

I’m a Leo so I love attention. I self destruct my diet too when I start to lose weight. It’s definately mental but I’m not sure why I do it either. Progressive soups have 1 point soups.

March 14, 2008

So you survived my expose’ You ok? I’m not cut off? Hey, you’re right, TV is fattening. I tend to snack when watching the thing. I need to put my exercise machines in the room while watching. Hm, I wonder if my wife will allow that? I wear the pants in my house, I asked her and she gave me permission.

remember you are working out and muscle ways more than fat. 2. I went out with a body builder and he would eat lots of meat(you need protein to build muscle), build muscle and lose weight. I had some great stamina in my legs and back yesterday but I haven’t worked out for two days now. It’s starting to pay off for me now, in the way I felt before today. I haven’t drank my water for 3 days now.

March 14, 2008

This is so motivating to me. I have an cycle machine, a stair step machine and a bouncer tramboline thing but none of them has any iniative. Now that I’m reading you I am thinking of going aherad and start a routine of working out with them. Memorizing scripture ect.. But that stair step is a doozy, I get tired just looking at it.

March 14, 2008

Only went for treadmill exercise twice last week. Hope to make more next week.

March 15, 2008

Alright, I did it! I moved my exercise bike into the room where the TV is. Hey, that’s a start, that thing is heavy!