breathing trusting, relieving**edit*****

I wrote a super long entry 2 days ago filled with a rant and mid compsing I had to leave the house. DH came home and shut down the pc and erased the entry. I was so mad about it I just didn’t write again but I’m glad he did it cause I would’ve been totally out of character for you all to have read what i was REALLY feeling. Thank God for allowing me to bridle my tongue.


Well this is the last week of work for Xerox and I swear it is the longest week ever and I even took off of work one day LOL! Training has been crazy but I’m making my way through it. I have to train the person that’s taking my spot at the new company and ofcourse you know that ain’t fun but whatever. God is still in control.


Not only is God in control he is really making a way for me. I had an interview with a company yesterday and for some odd reason I just get a really good feel about this company. I got a chance to talk with the director of ERP and current IT person there and we really hit it off in the phone interview. Then I spoke with his project manager and we set up an interview. They called me in for an interview yesterday and the Head VP of the IT department flew in from Belguim to discuss the position with me. I went through a panel interview that really I felt good about. I don’t think I was as aggressive as I could’ve been but the plus to it all is that I have plenty of experience with everything that this job entails it’s more ONE client focused as opposed to 30 clients so that makes it tons easier to deal. Well they told me that they were interviewing 4 ppl for the position. 2 was yesterday one was today and 1 tomorrow then they’d get together and come to a decision and give me a callback Friday with whether they’d like to bring me back for a second interview or what the decision was. Well today I was on m y break going to put in a prescrip for my contacts and I get a call but I couldn’t get to my phone fast enough. I see the number and realize that it is the company. And I’m thinking…. wait it’s wednesday and they said they’d call me back friday with results. Awww man maybe they already found a fit for the position. Well I tried calling back and kept getting an answering service. Then I remembered that I saved the project managers number in my cell phone (THANK GOD) and called him back. We talk and the tells me that the panel of interviewers want me to come back out for a second time. WHAT?!!?!? Okay so I’m trying to keep my cool. So he says, " well we may need you to come back out before Friday." Now after the interview yesterday they were telling me that they were possibly gonna have me come back out the middle of next week depending on the decision they make. SO anyways… I tell him call me and whatever time you’d like to meet I’m game for, my schedule will rotate according to the need. If I need to take a personal day i will that’s no problem. So he says he’ll call the guys and see when they want me back out. Okay so after I hang up I’m literally screaming and thanking God for a second interview! I call my aunt and share the joy and she’s ecstatic as well. So as soon as I hang up with her The project manager calls me back. "How about tomorrow at 5PM?" he asks. SUUUURREEE I say! So he tells me," well you will get a chance to meet with the same ppl you interviewed with yesterday for a short period of time then you will spend sometime with Blah blah name name." I’m like, " okay I’ll be there tomorrow look forward to seeing you!"

So in a nutshell I am walking on air literally all day!!!! Then I start to get really sick. I mean like instant pain. Still there a little bit but  you know what? The devil is a liar!!! My joy is restored in Jesus name! And not only that. I just got off of the phone with a company that took me out to lunch last week for an interview and we discussed some opportunities and they sent me an email for a company that they have relationship with that is looking to fill a posititon that pays even more than I expected or requested. So i modify my resume and send it back. Well she called me and told me that it really looks great and they know that the client will want me to come out. So I have to connect with the project manager over that job as well. Got another position lined up for part-time work in the meantime until something comes along paying a pretty penny. So right now I’m strategetically placing my eggs in different baskets to prepare for whatever comes my way. I really have a great feeling about this company that called me back for a second interview tomorrow though.

What’s crazy about it all though is that  I honestly don’t ever even remember applying for the position that they are interviewing me for. I have never seen the name of this company or anything but they contacted me. Granted I have been one resume submitting sistah so I may have forgotten but I honestly think God is giving me favor and causing me to go before great men just like he promised. And if he opens the door no man or devil in hell can shut it. Hallelujah!


I really have a good feeling about this second interview job so all I ask is that you guys keep me lifted in prayer please.


Oh yeah and I’ve lost a total of 6 lbs last week friday. My weigh in took me down 3 more lbs for a total of 6 lbs lost. I’m not feeling the best this week so I haven’t really exercised and I overate a couple of nights but I am not feeling heavier and I think I’m losing. *Crossing fingers*


******************************* Edited to add

I’m down 10 lbs total now!!! Woohoo!!!! I lost 4 lbs today at my weigh in. I went in a day early because I know tomorrow will be a busy  day for me. All I need to do is lose 10 more lbs to get back down to my lowest weight recorded and that was in September. 10 more lbs here I come!!!

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January 24, 2007

Praise God. Praying you’ll get the job.

I praise God for your testimony. It is truly amazing how so many doors are opening for you. Remember this moment when things seem tough. You have given me encouragement as I too apply for jobs. Thank you! I pray that you are victorious and that you feel better soon! Blessings… Smooches…

Good luck with the second interview. It sounds really promising! And also….congrats on the 6lbs.

January 25, 2007

It is so! It is so! I’m claiming this one FOR YOU!

PTL!!! Keep going 🙂

Congrats on 10lbs! You can definately do another 10 soon now sweat.

January 28, 2007

Ah, good job on the weight loss. Emotional eating is my enemy right now and I am not fighting a winning battle. Thank God for you and your testimony. I really need it.