Book reviews *e* more books

Hey guys I just wanted to comment on the latest books I’ve been reading. I’m a fiction novel reader. I love romantic comedies and plain out comical books they help me to escape. When I read a book I like to feel as if I just went to the movies,  or on a vacation. My favorite style of writing was romance comedy type novels. Eric Jerome Dickey and Terry Mcmillan were my favorite writers. I could never get into harlequin romance novels (sex books is what the ole folks call em lol) and mysteries (too much analytical thinking… I’d rather escape in someone else’s thoughts than try figuring out the puzzle lol).   

But since I’ve been saved  about 5 years I really can’t get into their books. I love their style of writing but the content and sometimes the language I cannot handle. So I always look for alternatives in a christian format. There are many many many books that I now have fallen head over heels in love with and I wanted to give a reccommendation for my latest and greatest.  One of my very favorite that I have a friend of mines reading is the yada yada prayer group,  oh my gosh talk about side splitting comedy! I love that book. Another recent page turner was flabbergasted. But my latest and greatest novel was call my soul cries out by sheri lewis. Just read the text below:

Available from:

What would you do if you learned your "godly" husband was cheating on you—with another man? Monica Harris-Day’s heart is nearly torn out when it happens to her. Kevin begs his wife of two years not to leave him, explaining this was a one-time fall from grace and that he had been struggling with homosexualty since he was molested by a deacon when he was ten. Monica decides to give him another chance, and the two seek marriage counseling from their pastor, Bishop Walker. It doesn’t take long for Monica to see that the bishop may have selfish motives for keeping her marriage intact—namely, that he doesn’t want his minister of music’s dirty little secret infecting his mega-ministry… But can Monica keep up the charade?

I could not put this book down it was so good. I mean a real, thought provoking, traditional challenging,  tear jerker,  chuckling,  book. I bought this book at half priced books for $7.75,  I just went to amazon and they have it on sale for 7.00. I read this book in one day! That’s how good it was. Check it out when you get a chance.


Since you asked here are some of the other books that really captured me from beginning to end

Flabbergasted by Ray blackston: Cute,  funny, and eye opening $11.04 on 

text: Blackston gives a whole new meaning to modern dating practices. Jay Jarvis, a successful stock broker, decides that the best way to meet eligible woman is to join a church singles group. The ensuing misadventures are delightful as Jay meets quirky people, including a Caddie-driving speed demon, an insightful African-American janitor, and. . .the perfect woman. The only problem is that she’s a missionary in Ecuador. As Jay becomes a much wiser man, Peterson generously introduces us to a lively menagerie as he recites poetry, delivers chat-up lines, and reads Bible quotes from a surfboard. Old-fashioned charm is still to be found in contemporary America.


Another side splitting yet good read is I know I’ve been changed by Reshonda Tate-Billingsley on amazon for $7.99

text: Since junior high, Raedella Rollins knew that she was destined to live a different life. Despite the devastation of her mother’s abandonment and the scarcity of her grandmother’s resources, she was determined to rise above her meager beginnings in Sweet Poke, Arkansas. After reinventing herself as Rae Rollins, she worked at television stations around the country for seven years before landing a job in Houston. The Rae Rollins Show is rated number one in the Houston market. Rae has a successful career and the man of her dreams, Myles Jacobs, who is the youngest member of the Houston city council. However, Rae not only left her hometown but also distanced herself from everyone. When family members show up in Houston, her carefully crafted life comes unglued. Rae loses her job and discovers a devastating secret about Myles. Her family comes to the rescue and takes her back home. She realizes through her personal crisis how important family is and that her hometown is not quite as backward as she remembered. A compelling, heartfelt story

And this is a headliner! I love this book and it has a sequel but I must first introduce you to the book! Yada Yada prayer group by neta jackson is one of the best books I’ve come across. You have to check it out. Wow i see I have some books to check out they have more than I’ve read on the series out there now Okay here it is on amazon for $7.99


What do an ex-con, a former drug addict, a real estate broker, a college student, and a married mother of two have in common?

Nothing, or so I thought. Who would have imagined that God would make a group as mismatched as ours the closest of friends?

I almost didn’t even go to the Chicago Women’s Conference–after all, being thrown together with five hundred strangers wasn’t exactly my "comfort zone." And being placed in a prayer group of twelve women from such diverse backgrounds seemed completely awkward.

But something happened that weekend to make us realize we had to hang together. The "Yada Yada Prayer Group" was born, and we decided to meet regularly to pray for each other: knocking off each other’s rough edges and learning to laugh and cry along the way! And when I faced the biggest crisis of my life, God used

my newfound girlfriends to help teach me–Jodi Baxter, longtime Christian "good girl"–what it means to be just a sinner saved by grace.

I have more but I’ll have to dig into the archives lol

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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September 24, 2007

A piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown was good too. It’s not really “spiritual” but He’s in there along the way ;o) Any more recommendations, let me know, I’m trying to “escape” my life while I have a little bit of time ;o)

September 24, 2007

P.S. LOVE the profile pic. HOT!

September 24, 2007
September 24, 2007

Thanks, I’m gonna check out a few of those titles!

interesting , thanks