
After leaving work I went and picked up prescriptions and some sinus and cold medicine went to the school and picked up my phone told the secretary that they’d be riding the bus home. then went home and got in bed. I lay there for 10 minutes and it’s the school principal. Turns out lil Q has been made to go to the office for blatant disrespect of Teachers and attitude problems. I am in shock. They put him on the phone and he really has a tone that disturbs me. It’s like an ‘I don’t care’ type of attitude. I WENT OFF. After talking to the teachers I had them put him promptly back on the phone and reminded him that he would need to look forward to getting a whoopin when he got home. His excuse was my neck was hurting so I put my head down and I was looking at the board then at them and that’s why It LOOKED like I rolled my eyes at the teacher. But his little tone wasn’t convincing at all. I could spot a lie a mile away. His teacher said he was crawling on the floor,  wasn’t responding to instructions and rolling his eyes at teachers. I was livid. Never before have I had to deal with attitude problems and never again will I deal with them I made this clear and as soon as he stepped through the door he knew the routine. I don’t care how validated you feel you will NEVER disrespect adults. I have told this to him many many times as we’ve been having this problem lately. He is also VERY lazy and even takes his time responding to Big Q’s orders. So he’s on punishment,  he is not allowed outside,  no video games,  and no cartoons. until i see a change in his attitude,  and i will be following up with his teachers on a weekly basis on his attitude. Track is cancelled. If you cannot respect adults you will not participate in ANYTHING period. So the only thing he will be doing is coming home going to his room and cracking open a book or playing with his toys in the toy bin. There is no going outside to play and company is out of the question neither will he be spending the night or visiting friends for a while.

When Big Q finally made it home he sat him down and talked to him. Asked what the problem was told him to be open and honest and he did. He’s in a new school and feels since the other kids were disrespecting the teachers he could too. WRONG ANSWER. I told him he is a natural born leader and does not follow anyone’s bad behavior. You know how and need to start practicing seperating yourself from mess and foolishness. Since you a leader you’d better make it known around your friends in this new school and lead people away from getting in trouble and doing bad things to doing good things. You do it on the football field,  you do it in church, why not in school?

He has a really big problem with cockiness and being arrogant and we’ve really tried working with him on havnig confidence but not cockiness. He’s a straight A student so we never have problems with grades with him it’s always cockiness. I call him my little know it all. He LOVES to correct people. I mean REALLY loves that. He’s been doing that since he was 2 years old. It drives Big Q Crazy and always has him giving lil Q the lecture to stay in a child’s place. Aye yae yae……..I’ve talked to his teachers because I really feel that his class work doesn’t challenge him. His reading level is 2 grades higher than the one that he is in and his math level is that of a 5th grader. He helps Lexy out with her homework. It’s only a shame that the APT student classes (advanced pupil T??) Don’t start until 3rd grade he’s only in the second grade unfortunately.

I told him if I ever get  call again from his school about his behavior I will personally come to his school and embarass him infront of all his friends. So i think that pretty much settles it all.

Other than that I got some much needed sleep the rest of the day. I think my body was just exhausted too. Because I have been running nonstop since literally Tuesday of Last week. But it’s funny because during the sleeping hours last night I couldn’t really sleep. I just kept tossing and turning and then when I didn finally sleep good for a couple of hours I had a dream that really disturbs me. Can’t go into it right now. I overslept working out so that didn’t happen this morining and I think I’ve already eaten my points for the week yesterday. This is so not goodbut I promise not to give up.

One thing I did take note of last night was I got this restless urge to pray @ about 9:30 last night. So i did. I got on my knees while Big Q had the Basketball; game blaring on the screen and I prayed. A little bit. God told me that I have too  many distractions. That’s all I reallyheard. Too many distractions. i read a little bit and went to bed. I wonder if that is what that wacky dream was about? hmmmm. Well about an hour later my cousin called me and told me that her husband was filled with the Holy Ghost!!!! Praise Jesus what a victory report! She said they tried to have bible study but the move of the spirit was so strong in the atmosphere that they held prayer, she was delivered of an evil spirit and he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That made my day I’m telling yall it really did. 

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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March 20, 2008

Awesome 🙂 I’m reading your entry and thinking about that book I just read on my flight. Now I think I have to reccomend it 🙂 You rock hot mama! Awesome discipline. That will catch his attention. I do pray it sinks in sooner than later. Consistency…(from my work with At Risk Teens) is the best teacher! ((HUGS))

You are so much like my sister when it comes to being a good mama and making sure the kids do well, get along, be respectful…you set the right standards and follow through…so often parents cop out or take the easy road by not discliplining and kids lack boundaries and they need them. It is parents like you and my sister who are raising great future adults.

RYN: lol yeah that one was pretty long, i didnt know it was that long till i got about halfway through it, by then i was like well heck i got this far, might as well finish, plus i did like the survey anyway lol.

You are a good mom. Respect is important.

March 20, 2008

You need to nip that attitude in the bud and it sounds like you’re all over it. Good job. 🙂

March 20, 2008

Good mom. Keep @ it, I made a mistake with mine believing him more than the teachers. Take it from me, though we are not perfect, God gives special grace and wisdom to parents. Ever hear your children ask, How did you know that? I needed to read about your cousin, it’s been a real point of contention or struggle with my Church.

Wow you are one tough momma. Good that your son knows where things lye. : ) *hang in there*

March 21, 2008

You got wisdom. Praise the Lord.