Ask me anything

It’s amazing,  I was getting ready to randomly do an entry like this and clicked on a faves entry and she had one so I’ve copied hers:


Here are the rules :

 1 question.

1 chance.

1 honest answer.

You get to ask me 1 question.





Any question, anything



No catch.


That’s all you get.



Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could. To stop the player just hit the pause button at the top of the player and the music will stop playing. :










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October 16, 2008

HRmm…What to ask what to ask? AH I know… What would you do if you found that some of religious beliefs you hold were false? L.

October 16, 2008

Well, so far you have been transparent like an open book. How long will it be til we hear you sing? Hm, maybe that’s more a request than a ?uestion. What area in your walk with Christ need the most prayer?

ryn: i been good, stressin with minor stuff, but good none the less lol

Hmmmm…what should I ask? Ooops, is that my one question?!? LOL! Okay for real…. Who has been the most influential person in your life? RYN: LOL, they’ve NEVER lost touch with him. In fact, Mike worked for him in his early 20s.

October 16, 2008

Can you guys move closer to Cleveland?!?

October 17, 2008

When was the first time you fell in love with our Lord Jesus?