another answer




Sorry so late in addressing this one but this is a question I’ve yet to answer and I will today:

My question for you: What was the greatest most painful, hardest thing for you to ever give up and let go of, how long did it take? How did you wrestle through it?

This is maybe one of the hardest to answer honestly. I know that I have given up some things in my life but the HARDEST? hmmmmmm I’m still thinking on this one mind you, but if I had to name one thing it would be my fear of rejection. This transistion that I have been going through has taught me alot about rejection. I’ve had to deal with it in some ways all my life but the extent right now that My husband and I and the members of ROG have faced has given me some serious spiritual callouses. It took me years to understand how someone that doesn’t even know or understand me or even WANT to get to know or understand me can try his/her best to slander my name and my spirituality. I have tons of spiritual entries here in my diary and I am a insightful person in person. BUt my personality is that of a silly loves to laugh yet down to earth,  person. I don’t walk around with my head in the clouds yet I do get excited when talking about that in which I am passionate. ANd for some reason there have just been people in my life that have literally hated me. One of my own best friends told me that when she first met me she didn’t like me. She thought my personality was intimidating. I was really hurt by that cause anyone that knows me knows I’m sweet as pie. Now don’t get me wrong in the face of confrontation I am intimidating because of my background,  I’m just a fighter. But other than that sweet as pie. It has taken and is still taking me a process of about 3 years to overcome this rejection. I have enemies now just by name association. And the one and only thing that has gotten me through it is knowing that God has my back,  and whether I do all things to make all people love me there will always be someone somewhere talking about me negatively, so I have to shake the haters off give them the fan club address and keep it moving. Haters make me stronger. Sometimes it hurts to hear those that you love sincerely slander you but yanno what there comes a point it has to be God’s word or bust.

I love this new church’s motto that I’ve been visiting. And it’s: If you can’t change the people around you, then change the people around you. powerful quote.


Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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I’m on my first cup of coffee so I had to read that quote 3 times before I got it. lol I know what you mean, there have been “perceptions” out there of me but you don’t really know until you get to know a person. My mother had a thing about always caring what the neighbors thought and it never made sense to me. I carry a certain aloofness about me, some intentional and some unintentional.

Somewhere in 30s I decided I don’t really care what other people think and I’m not going to carry it. I know who I am and I like myself.

My daughter has a shining light and it radiates, Some people don’t like her just for that fact. I have it too sometimes and you probably do too. Light clashes with the dark. I’d rather have the light : )

I do identify with your sharing here. I don’t know sis but when we start serving the Lord, we seem to have plenty of enemies. There was one lady who came up to me and confessed, “when I looked at you, I said to myself I hated you.” Imagine, she hardly knew me. Of course, I forgave her and she turned out to be one of my best pals who still hang around with me. Maybe because we have the fear of rejection, the Lord purposely let stuff like that happen to make us more strong. At least that is true of me after all the experiences of being betrayed, hated and so on. Like you, I am my personality is that of a silly loves to laugh yet down to earth, person

October 21, 2008

the note above is mind. Somehow, it saved itself leaving my name out. LOL. Actually, I still wanted to correct my grammar but it got saved. Anyway, I think I got my point across. So glad to know that so young like you is so much in the Lord. Praise God and thanks again for your sharing.

October 21, 2008

OH Sister…. I love this! “She thought my personality was intimidating. I was really hurt by that cause anyone that knows me knows I’m sweet as pie. Now don’t get me wrong in the face of confrontation I am intimidating because of my background, I’m just a fighter. But other than that sweet as pie.” Someone recently told me that, that I’m intimidating… And was like wha???? Howin the world? ~sigh~ I would love to sit with coffee with you someday and just chat it up. Proabably why we like each other so much… We’re fighters and passionate to boot 😀

October 21, 2008

P.S. Hmm just found new group I like off your list! Virtue! 🙂

I love the quote.

October 22, 2008

” I’m sweet as pie.” I hope that’s sweet potato pie and not pumpkin pie. Even the sisters in my church don’t know how to bake it. “Enemies” Love them. Really learn to actively love them. You will find God uses them even more than casual friends Find ways to serve them, build them up. Get even by loving them. I seen how God through time, in His time can work things out to bless both you and them

October 22, 2008

Never reject your critics, evaluate them.

October 25, 2008

Eyes that look are common. Eyes that see are rare. -J. Oswald Sanders

ryn: I didn’t take pictures but my dentist did. I think I will be done with the invisilign in April. I do keep my aligners and I’ve compared #1 to #6. There is a definate difference.