And the covers come…. OFF!!!!!

Okay now my spirit has been stirred about a convo I had with a fave.

For the body of Christ that is. Now is a time where the covers and the masks and the sanctimonious,  holier(notice the small h) than thou attitudes are about to be exposed. God did not call His body to selfishness, greed,  covetousness,  and  ignorance.

A sister of mines is having a moment where she is mad at God. *gasp* yeah I said it now cover your mouth calm down and chill out.  So what if she has a moment like that. Atleast she was honest enough within her heart and within herself  to TELL this to God. Not that he didn’t already know but the fact that she was able to open up helped her to heal. She confessed her feelings to the Lord and he heard her cry. She told some faves about it and got alot of support. She then tried sharing it with other Christians and they acted like there was a problem.

No problem here…….

The most wonderful thing that you can have with God is a relationship. RELATIONSHIP not a spectatorship(is that a word? lol), but a relationship. And in a relationship there are ups and downs. There are moments of intimacy and there are futile disagreements. But at the end of the day there is STILL a relationship. Just read the psalms that’s perfect proof. You should NEVER be afraid to tell God that your mad AT HIM,  with HIM,  or because of HIM. The bible says to come boldly to the throne of grace. This is called BEING REAL. not putting on a mask and acting like nothing is wrong while all the while you just want to scream and have someone…. anyone wrap you up in their arms ad tell you that it’s gonna be alright.

I feel like the Church has adopted this attitude that we are perfect,  to the world,  and that nothing ever happens to us. And if we do show a hint of anger,  discontentment,  disagreement,  and/or depression,  then something is wrong with us. That is sooo not the case and if I’ve learned anything throughout this consecration what I have been given the revelation of is that God is TIRED of these christian saducees and pharisees that are setting up camp in his churches. They show a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof. They can quote scripture like nobody’s business but either aren’t living it or they aren’t discerning enough to apply that which they know and have some dangon compassion for those that need love or sometimes just a listening ear. Sometimes when people go through and they trust you enough to tell you about it,  you need to just SHUT UP and listen. The bible states to be quick to listen and slow to speak. To pray before answering people,  and to always season your speech with grace. But one thing also that God has shown me is that people are sometimes TAUGHT to behave this way and this is what causes division and problems in the church. Oh but in the near future yall mark my words the covers are about to be removed from some people and the REAL is going to come out. God can only tolerate so much and the Body of Christ in this nation and in many other places are spiritually sick and we need a healing that ONLY the Lord our God can give. Be ware to take heed unless you fall. There are some rulers of darkness,  principalities,  and spiritual wickedness in high places and their altars of idol worship and their deceptive plans are about to come down! and the covers WILL be revealed from the leaders of the houses of God. So pray for your Pastors and Leaders because Judgement will come to the house first. Pray that your leaders are in right standing with God and not leading the sheep astray for self gain, because every wolf in sheeps clothing is coming down.

if you need scripture reference to everything that I’ve just said you can look here:

Colossians 4:6, 2Tim 3:5,  Matt 7:15,  1 cor 10:12,  Hebrews 3:12,  Ephesians 6:12,  Matt 23:23,  James 1:19.   


I wasn’t going to post this at first but it completely confirms all that has been said to me this week.



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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i don’t really understand why things are like that, when you come to your fellow brother or sister in Christ, you would expect a “godly” answer or help, not judgement. A lot of “non-Christians” do like to portray the world as perfect, even some who are, and we are far from it. I hope whatever your friend is dealing with, passes so she can move on with her life.

November 29, 2007

Wonderful entry! I’m sure we’ve all been angry at God for things that have happened, but the difference is that we do not denounce him. We still have faith, we still know He is real, but anger is an emotion that He gave us, and He knows we will get over it. RYN:Thank you for the prayers!


You always have the best entries.

November 29, 2007

“Sometimes when people go through and they trust you enough to tell you about it, you need to just SHUT UP and listen.” I couldn’t of said it any better myself, Sister 🙂 Amen!

it’s kind of stupid because God knows even if you don’t say it that you are mad at him. He likes the truth

RYN: Aw, you are welcome. Your entries always make me feel very uplifted. Thank you for them.

November 29, 2007

Thank you.

November 29, 2007

I love this entry. You have said it well. You know what, for me, the more I come to know Jesus the more I know that I am a sinner through and through. It’s only by His grace that I could live a Christian life and thanks be to God for that. And I still fall. We are all fighting a dark force that only God can win on our behalf through the shedding of the blood of Jesus at the cross at Calvary.

November 29, 2007

I guess your friend is just going through a phase and she will come out of it. Praying for her.