After all that fussing about wanting OD back *e*

********Editied to add… I went to the community center and they do open up @ 8 AM but one of the ladies i grew up with gave me the number of the Person that opens up and she says he gets there at &am and can open the door for me but that wouldn’t work either  because I hit the road to come to work @ 7:30 and Big Q leaves the house by 7AM which would either leave the kids at home alone or have me having to drop them off at school in the morning as well as rushing to get a 30 minute workout in and leaving out. I think I can handle evening workouts. I’ll just get a family Membership and when I work out in the evenings the kids can go in the game room or to the basketball court. Unfortunately Big Q’s schedule has been horrific where he works 12 hour days 7 days a week (no exaggeration) and when he gets off all he can do is flop down and go to sleep. He loves basketball but he wouldn’t be able to play cause he needs to save his energy. SO evenings could work. then when Pee wee football and track and stuff starts back up in spring (yes I made them take a break for winter cause all that running can wear me out) I  can drop them off at practice and then go to the gym in the evenings. Yep that would work

Oh and yay for me I haven’t had pop for 3 days!!!! That is HUGE. I feel my inner health nut arising again. I’m heading to a leadfree gut state of mind yall. I feel it coming lol.


I have nothing lol……..

I just wanted to read some faves.

OKay I know I can pull something outta here

Oh! Oh! we had practice last night, singing while dancing and needless to say I am sooo outta shape. I got a really good workout in though so that counts for something right?

I’m sitting here contemplating going to the community gym to see what they have to offer since I can’t go walking on ice I just might break my neck lol. But they don’t open in the mornings until 8AM that sucks majorly! Shoot I have to be @ work by 8AM and mornings are the perfect time to workout. It doesn’t interfere with any other schedules. BUt it’s only 30 bucks for a membership soooo I’m thinking I’ll start having to workout a lil later. But the recreation center is based in an Army reserve training center. Don’t servicemen get up at the buttcrack of dawn to start their day? Why not open the Gym earlier you know yall are up!


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)




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im outta shape too, i need to exercise more lol

before you spend 30 bucks do you think you will utilize this in the evening?

Evenings at the community center sound like a good plan.

February 14, 2008

Rock on! Takes 21 days to break a habit 🙂 Keep going! RYN: Haven’t heard of that. But our church is doing a video study currently on the Spirit of Baal. It’s taught by Dutch Sheets (the guy who wrote “Intecessory Prayer”). I’m quite impressed. And it’s the more intellectual side I’ve been craving to sharpening my mind. So it’s all good 🙂 Guess I have another book to get…to addto my list of “must reads”. teehee.

February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine’s Day.

I hope the gym work out for you. I am just not an outdoor walker, I hate it and I end up walking wayyyyyyy too slow. The treadmill is my friend! I think the gym would be good for your kids as well. Smooches…