Accountability *edit*

This is an attempt to make myself accountable so pay no mind to this random banter if you will……

Yesterday when I got off of work I had to pick the kids up from the after school program at 6 go to mickey d’s to get them something to eat then go BACk to the school because they were having brotherhood night and lil Q was starring in his class play @ 6:30. Unfortunately Big Q got off of work by 6:30 and should’ve just come straight to the school instead he goes home showers and comes down after the play is over. i told him he coulda saved tryna be cute for another time lol.

So after the school stuff I had practice with ROG for this friday’s funeral we’ll be singing at. We learned a new song as one of the girls wrote it and we had to learn it along with elder being there to accompany us. Then we rehearsed my new song. (BTW kids were with Big Q he took them home so I wouldn’t have em out late). So we practiced until about 10:45 I got home at 11:00pm took a shower watched bad girls club and went to sleep. Oh BTW I lost my cellphone during the shuffle  and I thought I’d just left it at work.  Anyways so I get to sleep about 12PM ( I am NOT a NIGHTOWL BTW). And then have to get up this morning for work. I feel HORRIBLE yall. I serious. I’ve felt horrible all week. I overate like insanely crazy yesterday. I was wore out with all the running around and believe me this has been going on ALL WEEK. I worked out with GIlad ONE day this week and that was yesterday morning. It’s like I only have good days when I go to sleep ON TIME. Then with TOM around it’s worse. My appetite is crazy. I mean we went and bought all the good stuff from the grocery but I haven’t been able to cook due to running around and us not getting home till like 9-10PM. This sucks! And I don’t have my portion control down enough to measure fast food so I know I’m going over on my points.

I didn’t even wanna write this entry but I have to MAKE myself accountable so I don’t mess up today. I got to work and couldn’t find my phone and almost started crying. I called the school to see if maybe I dropped it and they have it thank you JESUS! This is my work cellphone so I couldn’t afford to lose it literally lol,  it’s a 300.00 dollar phone… I think I am going to make a derm. appointment for my scalp stuff I haven’t been to one in 4 years so I think it’s time plus the seb. Dermatitis is getting worse in my hair and the over the counter stuff only works for a day or two. I’m just gonna have to fork over the moné. I have yet to by a pair of contacts so I’ve been blindly walking around for the past 3-4 months. And I haven’t refilled my hypothyroid medicine in 2 months. I know I know I’m a clutz right? Well i just haven’t had the money to do all of this. These necessity bills are kicking my buttocks. Oh and get this,  the song that one of the girls wrote for the funeral is to be lead by me…..but I’m losing my voice. Last concert our soprano lost her  voice the week of. What is up with that?

OKay i promise to be witty and upbeat tomorrow as for now I feel like crap….


Thanks guys so much for your notes of concern. Ya really know how to make a girl feel good. I’m going home I took 1/2 day vacation. I have an earache and I believe that is causing alot of my irritable-ness and alot of the cause of my throat hurting as well (voice leaving too lol). So i guess I get a 4 hour mini sabbatical Mel lol. And brotherhood night was completely a surprise to us Seabreeze,  But it was like a celebration of african american history. Lil Q’s class did a play and he was the star of it as Thurgood Marshall.

Tonight’s agenda WOULD’VE been:

Get off work @ 5:30

Pick kids up at 6:00

Rush home to give lil Q a snack,  then drop him off at track practice by 6:30pm

Go home and whip up a meal before we leave to pick lil Q up from track and head to church for bible study.

Arrive late to bible study @ 8-8:15 and stay until 9:00-9:30. come home eat take showers and collapse.

Thank God for indirect sabbaticals I tell ya. I’m going home and I’m gonna stop by the pharmacy pick up my levothyroxine and some decongestants and go home and sleep til 6:00 (have the kids take the bus home and drop lil Q off at practice @ 6:30PM and have big Q pick him up when he gets home from work as I cook dinner and go lay back down.

Oh and a new lesson I’ve learned since it’s been 6 years since my hair has been relaxed. For the sistahs that have perms (relaxers) There is NO use trying to roll your hair up,  wrap it flat iron it or any of the like when it’s pouring down raining. I kept wondering why my ends just frizz up like crazy and by the end of the day I look like I ran through an electrical socket lol. So today I Lightly pulled my hair back into a cute liitle ponytail. not tight at all. This works for the moment. but I don’t like ponytails at all because my scalp condition is getting worse and hair pulled back shows it all. okay that was my newly RElearned tip of the day. 

~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28

~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.

Ronnie (OD member)




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March 19, 2008

**HUGS** Being busy is hard on a diet. I hope this weekend brings you calmness and relaxation. Good luck with the singing on Friday. I hope you don’t lose your voice.

March 19, 2008

don’t be so hard on yourself for overeating yesterday. Just try to do better today. You are a busy mom of two (3 if you count big Q and I know how that goes!) and not everyday is going to be perfect. You’ve done this before and you’ll be just fine this time around. I have faith in you. so don’t worry about it… everything is going to be all good.

get your thyroid med filled and take it. Do not mess with your hormones. Sounds like the big guy was acting like a Y chromosome when he went to shower instead of going to the play right away. what is a brotherhood night?

March 19, 2008

Wow lots on your plate. When do you get to slow down? 🙂 You need a Sabbath! ((HUGS))

March 19, 2008

I feel like crap too, and that’s why I haven’t written an entry today. Too many thangs. I’ll pray for you and you pray for me ok?

March 19, 2008


Feel better and make sure you relax during your 1/2 day vaca.

I’d write some but I have to get back to work and then class tonight 🙁

March 19, 2008

Man, I’m glad they found your cell phone. Looks like you’re having quite a day. What the topic in your Bible study? I’m training my disciple to ask about 20 questions for every key verse. And to have a Book of the Bible to major in.