A lil about me

A lil bit about me. I never do surveys but I figure it’ll take the focus off of the current fave entries lol.


 Name: Nikki
Age: 30
Zodiac Sign: Cancer (if you really by into that sorta thing)
Height: 5’6
Nationality: American

Ethnic background(s): African American and some caucasion(don’t know for sure my mom was mixed but grew up an orphan)


Are you happy?:  yep
Do you watch a lot of tv?: no

What’s your shoe size?:  10.5-11.0
Do you like skirts or pants better?Because of the nature of my job I have to wear pants daily, I used to be a pants fanatic but not anymore. I like my skirts. And because of my weight gain recently I tend to go more for skirts too.  
What’s your favorite type of music?: Praise and Worship(Gospel)

Are you doing well in school?: If I was in school I’d probably say no….. I’m a slacker I won’t lie lol.  



Do you judge people?:Never have. That may be the reason for alot of heartache in the past,  I never have had high discernment instantly. I’m a loyal bud until you cross me.
Do you think you’re better than others: How do you do that?
How often do you think about your crush?: I don’t think i have one

Do you see the person a lot?: I guess I can’t answer this one lol
Have you ever pictured him/her naked?: lol @ new beginnings answer to this one.


Bottomless pit*

Are you a female or male?: Female
Do you have long or short hair?: Long
Gold or silver?: Gold

Rap or rock: Rap? Rap
R&b or rock: R&B

Green Day or The Offspring: who?
Kanye West or Mario: Kayne West

Are you happy with where you are right now in life?: I could be better personally but I’m happy with what God has given me.

Do you like hats?: some, depends on the kind

Do you own a lot of shoes?: Yes! hi do you know me?
How many do you wear? all except for a choice few due to size, comfort or season lol
Do you have a favorite store to shop from? (name it if you do): Yes I love love love Bakers shoes , DSW shoes and any electronic store, Oh and Ashley Stewart,  and Half Price Books and ……okay well maybe I I don’t have a favorite favorite

Contacts/glasses/none: clear contacts
When did you realize what kind of person you were?: How do you mean? umm I think I am still getting to know myself right now.

Do you like the new year so far?: It’s ok  is it still considered new seeing as it’s half over with? lol

Are you into emo/screamo/anything like that?:what’s that?

How long are your nails?: very short and damaged from stupid acrylics and my thumb nail is black from an on the job bruise. That is soooo unattractive,  I may be going back to get acrylics as soon as the soreness goes away.
Favorite movie: Romantic Comedies, Comedies, Drama, Mid century movies, and the occasional action movie
Favorite group: Tye Tribbett and GA at the moment
Favorite singer: Marcus Cole
Favorite thing to do in a department store: go to the electronics section and stare at the TV’s and think of the next layaway plan to get a large flat screen LCD tv or laptop lol.


Love life*

Do you have a crush?: no

Are you a single person?: nope

If not, then who is it?:n/a
If you are, then you are content with it?:  n/a

Ever been in love?: yep
Right now?: yep

Sex life*

how far have you gone: Um i have 2 natural born kids lol

Are you a virgin?: Please read the last answer

Ever been drunk and done someone you didn’t know?: nope can’t say I have

Do you like doing the shibbity-dibbity?: A DUH read the first answer

<span style="colo

r: #ffff99“>Are you ashamed to answer these types of questions? Nope

Why or why not?: Cause I’m grown



Bottomless pit2*

Do you like meeting new people?: yes
Are you anti social?: not at all but I can be, I have my moods,  I like to be alone alot.
Do you believe women should stay at home/in the kitchen?: nope I believe it’s woman’s CHOICE whether she should be a stay at home mom/wife, or going into the workforce. And I don’t look down on ppl that make that choice. It all depends on your personal priorities.
Are you a feminist?: nope
 Do you love double standards?: Depends if it works in my favor. lol 

Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes
How about U.F.Os?: Yes
Have a best friend?: a few
Would you trust your life in their hands?: Yes
Do you think they’d feel the same?: Uh I would definitely hope so
Willing to actually bet your life on that? I dunno *shrugs*
How long have you known that person?: My closest girlfriends right now I’ve know for about 5 years. I have a lifelong best friend I’ve been friends with for 15 years.
Are you homosexual?: nope 

Are you homophobic?: nope but my friends used to think i was because I was never affectionate towards women and it actually caused a rift in a friendship with a former best friend that came out and told everyone but me.
Do you have any phobias?:yeah
Willing to share?: Snakes, and losing my kids
Ever snuck someone into your house?: as a teenager , but ofcourse


Okay i think that’s it.



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~

Proverbs 25:28



There are so many people searching for truth, searching to find God and understand. Unfortunately, most of them want to know how to find peace while living in sin. They don’t want to give up their lifestyle(repentance). They want to feel good about themselves and convince themselves that God is happy with them the way they are. The "new age" preachers have come up with a formula — simply redefine God. As if we are here to just hang out and do what pleases us.


This is a time of separating the wheat from the chaff. Everyone will have to take a stand on one side or the other. It’s all a part of the process of the Second Coming. I pray that Christians everywhere will not fall prey to these deceiving doctrines. ~ Starting Over (od member)



~I pray the desires of my heart flow with His Will.


Ronnie (OD member)



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July 22, 2008

This was safe. Nothing I can pick a fight with. I guess I’ll have to see what I can dig up on my own. Thanks for your input on last entry.

me likes hehe, i will steal lol

July 22, 2008

you thief shame on you lol j/k love ya girlie and i’ll be back to read your updates soon. gotta go finish getting ready now 🙂

July 22, 2008

*Random Noter* HI! Sorry to bother you but I was just wondering where and how you got the background on your OD. I LOVE it! It reminds me of where I use to live. Thanks so much! Sarah

July 22, 2008

I hope I’m ready if the outcome is positive! LOL! I’m sure things will be perfectly fine. Thanks for the info on the pic. It’s gorgeous! I love pics of scenery. I still have to figure out how to get my profile pic up. Doesn’t seem to wanna work. Sarah Lynn


RYN: yeah, I prayed (for real) lol that God would let me get a ticket UNDER 200 dollars, and I got one hehe. Now had i been able to get them, when they were even cheaper than that, it’d be on hehe. yeah, it also depends on where you go, some places its cheaper to fly there than other places, same with certain airlines, and the cheapest i could find, was USAirways. I have never flown with them, sowe’ll see how that goes hehe. I might be leaving Northwest air, they charge too freakin much. they wanted 500 something dollars for the same flight hehe.

July 25, 2008

No facebook? Awe man… Hey, I was searching your myspace to inquire about your cd. How many songs and are you leading any of the selections.

July 26, 2008

I like romantic comedies, too.

July 28, 2008
