5 silver stars for the champ

a complete week of walking how wonderful!!!! There was a horrible thunderstorm last night but it blew over by the time my aunt and I went walking this morning. Oh and I got on the scale this morning and I’ve lost 1.4 lbs wtg MrsD! I said well,  atleast it didn’t go up like it’s been doing. I’ll take 1.4 lbs over nothing. It’s not like I’m eating like a health nut……..yet lol. Baby steps Baby steps….. Oh I went to the hair dressers yesterday and got my hair done and since I had to go directly from work I went and grabbed some snacks before I got there. One of those snacks was a pepsi. MY GOD I drunk a mouthful and almost threw up!!! I haven’t really had any pop all week long so it was like my body did a gassy lurching type of thing around my heart so ummm yeah no pop for me.

I’ve had water 3 times in the past 3 days and I’m patting myself on the back. I dunno how I went to completely NOT drinking water.  I used to consume water like a bandit. I always drunk atleast 96 oz of water a day. I guess my bad habits really took over when I started this Job back in Feb. because that is when all of this downhill eating horribly, stressed out,  gaining weight like no tomorrow mess started.

Also a good snack I reccommend for any that HAS to eat on the run McDonald’s snack wraps are REALLY good and their not too heavy to make you sleepy afterwards. Yesterday for lunch I had 2 snack wraps, medium fry and a large water. For all you calorie counting health nuts please don’t give me the astounding calorie details cause I know it was alot lol. I said I was taking baby steps remember. See and originally I was gonna hit up Burger King for a whopper meal with a large root beer so I KNOW i made the better and cheaper choice lol.

Car seems to be fine but one day coming down the highway home I heard a loud pop underneath the right side of my car and it scared the mess out of me. I thought I had a blow out so I slowed down and put on my hazards but I noticed that the car was running the same no lumpy slow downs like a blow out would do so I went home called my uncle and told him to have a look at it. Yesterday Q and I shared his car while uncle looked at it and he said he didn’t see anything. Maybe I ran over something? Gosh I hope that’s all it is. But I do need MAJOR work done to my car. my drivers seat is broken so it leans all the way back. I have to prop a pillow behind my back and this has caused alot of back pain. in 2002 this guy did a hit and run and hit my parked car and kept going and knocked off my driver side rear view mirror and he never paid to get it fixed so I had to pay 3000.00 to get my car fixed sue him and won but he’s a thug that sells drugs so it’s not likely I’ll get paid back for that. Shoot I mean if he pays me he’ll also have to pay child support for his fifty-leven million kids he has floating around the hood too. So my driver side has no rear view mirror and a small dent in the back of the car where the bumper starts. My ride side rearview mirror someone cracked when I was at work. Why I don’t know. I went to work and when I came out my mirror was cracked straight down the middle. These two incidents with the mirrors are non related. and somehow I have a rust whole on my hood on the very tip that I think when the sun hit my car started bubbling up and the kids where I live I think started tryin to peel it or something. Yeah so I have a betty Boop but my baby runs really well I have had my car 8 years and it’s got some stories in it but it’s paid for so I’ll never get rid of it. Plus the damage on it is only cosmetic. my engine is puuurfect!

okay now I must go pay some bills and go back to the dungeon to work. TGIF!



~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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October 19, 2007

That’s a good loss, baby steps right? And yay for the water, I switch off and on…sometimes I’m doing good with the water and eating, then stress takes over and I’m buying pop! UGH!

I think you deserve one big gold star for the week. You are doig great.

October 19, 2007

Woohoo! 🙂

they say the cheapest car you can drive is the one you have now. I like no payments as its hard for me to even get out bills on time anymore (0ut of laziness or too darn busy.) thanks for the prayers lady!

October 19, 2007

WTG on the wa-wa! It’s hard.. I do great during the week.. now the weekend is a whole different story!