2 yellow hearts 4 being crazy enough to slosh

through flood waters this morning. What was I thinking?!?!?  Went walking with aunt this morning and the rain was pouring down but we just kept on trucking. I was scared of having the kids walk to school in all of that so I came to work late today and dropped them off at school.

I got an email from one of my bosses about wanting to have a meeting with me to discuss several topics……… hmmmm what does that mean? I have no idea but I’m nervous. Actually to be honest I don’t care if I get fired from this place because I really don’t like it here anyway. Memo to myself: never ever ever ever sign on to do IT support for any manufacturing plants of any kind. I’ll rant about it later

Anyways. Oh last night I finally got a chance to be alone with my daddy(God) and just worship him. It was wonderful! I got about 20-30 minutes in and then the phone began ringing.  I ignored it the 1st 3 times then I answered when My cell phone started ringing and it was Quincy going off cause he didn’t know where I was and needed some information from me. I told him I was praying and to leave me alone! lol. The kids already know the routines and they did their normal games, reading,  tv watching in the other rooms while I worshipped. ONE day Quincy will catch on lol. I then whined to God cause I can never just sit in his face and he told me to be patient it’ll come in time. So I’m trusting my daddy. Hey you never know….. I may get an unwarranted break from work *hint hint*

Is it wrong that I don’t care if I get fired today? What is wrong with me.

 I feel like Vickie Yohe’s song I just want you lyrics:

I could have fortune and fame- go anywhere do anything
But oh God, I just want You
I could search for earthly things- to satisfy my every need
Oh God, I just wnt You

I just want You, I just want You
I just wanna live in Your presence everyday
I lay down my will and every selfish desire
Whatever it takes, Father that’s what I’ll do
Cause I just want You

Standing in this holy place- I’m here to seek Your face
Oh God, I just want You
Can You feel the passion in my heart- to be close to where You are
Oh God, I just want You

I just want You, I just want You
I just wanna live in Your presence everyday
I lay down my will and every selfish desire
Whatever it takes, Father that’s what I’ll do
Cause I just want You 


~He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.~


Proverbs 25:28


‘I grew up penecostal and I now attend an apostolic church, but I have long ago taken off the denominational boundaries. I’m sick of religion and tradition. I’m more concerned about relationship with God through Jesus Christ.’



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October 23, 2007

Maybe you should start looking for work elsewhere 🙂 Your one determined lady when you set your mind on something!

Good luck with the meeting even if you don’t care if you get fired. Nice lyrics. I’ll have to look at the video later when I’m not at work.

October 23, 2007

wow nice song and video I will have to see it again afterwork, it’s inspiring. Thanks for posting it. I filled out a form for an eval at work 3 weeks ago but they haven’t given it to me yet. You’ll be fine

October 24, 2007

Has been raining here, too. But I am not complaining since it had been so hot before that. Must be nice to have a friend to go walking. Beautiful meaningful song. Thanks for sharing.