10 Things about me

I was tagged and I’ve procrastinated long enough so here goes:


i forget the rules about all this tagging stuff and I didn’t copy it but here are the 10 unknown facts about me lol.


1. I am a closet procrastinator. I like to convince myself and others that I am an ‘on the ball’ Super organized zealot when it comes to order and tackling huge projects and things but in actuality I am a closet procrastinator that for all of my life convinced myself that I was the bomb, but all this truth revealing God is doing has brought this forth about me lol.

2. I am tunnel visioned. Ironic right? If there is something that I want I go for it and will knock anything out of my view that distracts me from getting to my destination,  it may even take years for me to attain what I want but I always always accomplish what I put my mind to. Even with being a closet procrastinator I have accomplished so much in my life from my tunnel vision mentality you wouldn’t believe the odds that I’ve overcome.

3. I am a tomboy at heart. I love running and getting dirty and going fishing and riding motorcycles(driving). 

4. My hubby and I have established our weak points and have a compromise. I have never been and will never be a housewife, susy homemaker type (which in short means I’m not a clean and cook freak). And he will never be a tool shed break em down fix em up type(he was spoiled by his father which never taught him how to fix things around the house). He is the cleanaholic and I am the Handywoman. Anything that needs assembled I do it,  I have a toolbag with everything in it, hammer,  screwdriver set,  pliers,  Wrenches,  punchdowns, etc etc. Although he doesn’t hold up his end of the bargain he ‘sometimes’ cooks and cleans. This leads to a happy marriage.

5. I secretly think I can be famous at anything I’m good at in my own mind. Like I can draw and I can dance (imaginary choreographer yep that’s me),  I can sing,  I can act, I can write (though I hate it with a passion), I can read narrated very well. In short I’m a jack of all trades and a master of none lol.

6. I have a HUGE family. Immediate family I have 2 sisters and a brother  and the grandbabies combined but 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cousins and family in the city that I live in there is well over 2000-3000 of us. The family reunions be off the HOOK! But it’s too bad the matriarchs and patriarch’s are passing away because the families are breaking off and doing their own thing.

7. Dang I gotta find 3 more things? See that’s the closet procrastinator in me lol

8. I have an unexpected sense of humor, I come up with witty jokes unexpectedly. I can keep a crowd of folk cracking up in an intimate circle but other times I can be very slow on comebacks. Almost short yellow bus slow like when someone says something insulting to you and you don’t think about what your comeback SHOULD’VE been till hours or days  later. Then you walk around going " what I SHOULDA said was" And go over it and imagine telling people off. It’s a blessing in the fact that it has cause me a break from TONS of drama, but it’s a curse in the fact that I’ve literally been insulted and had my feelings hurt before.

9. Dang almost Done. I have a smile that can light up a room. I inherited it from my grandma. She had wrinkles at the back of her eyes so when she smiled they crinkled up and it always looked like light was coming out of her eyes. There are a couple of my aunts that have that same effect when they smile and I secretly can’t wait to get my wrinkles so My eyes can sparkle too lol. I’ve been told that there was anointing in my smile. Too bad I don’t smile more.

10. umm let’s see whats the last one……..hmm. (after much thought) Oh oh this one is funny! When I was 6 years old my uncle who is only 6 years older than me and his friends came over to my grandma’s house ( I lived with my grandma). I was making mud pies and playing house with my friends and my uncle left but his friends and cousins stayed and played and schemed up this brilliant idea. Well they talked me into making a REAL mud pie. So we piled it up with grass and rocks and leaves as garnishes and they dared me to put it in the oven LOL. WEll I did! and it exploded in my grandmama’s oven. Mind you my uncle was gone it was just me and his boys lol. So I see it explode and I’m terrified. My grandma comes in the room so I take off running to the basement and I hide under the stairs. My grandma is having a FIT! Looking for me cause she knew I was the one that did it lol! She says I can’t find you but when your daddy gets home he’s gon whoop your butt. My daddy is 5’11 and weighs 300 lbs Mostly Muscle and some beer belly lol. I’m horrified so I hide and when he gets home I sneak up the stairs to see if she told him and in the process of doing so see my uncle hanging upside down by one leg while my daddy (his big brother) is whooping him. Turns out my grandma told My daddy he had something to do with it but he didn’t he was nowhere to be found. So i run back down the stairs and they are looking for me. The only reason that I was found was because I peed on myself and the urine streamed from under the stairs LOL. I didn;t get a whoopin because my daddy said I was too young to know what I was doing and he knew that they pressured me to do it. But I did get punishment I couldn’t go outside and play for weeks and I had to do ‘housework’ ugh. LOL I never told them my uncle had nothing to do with it either lol. I thought that was sooo funny though.


Oops I had to go back and add this. If you wanna be tagged and do this too. Have a ball I’m not tagging ya it’s your choice

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LOL, I love your last story!

lmao that last story cracked me up lol. and girl I am a closet procrastinator, it’s a shame. I can make a room look clean, without it actually being clean, and i need to stop that lol. and girl I have that too sometimes, when someone insults you and it takes you a while to realize what they said, and then ur mad at urself for not replying, and start thinkin of the stuff you coulda said LOL.

April 27, 2007

LOL #10 was great. My punishment was to stay inside and watch HOURS of Sanford and Son reruns. To this day I cant watch that show! RYN: Nice to meet you! Ive seen your notes on some of my faves diaries too! You can note me anytime, I welcome them! Im going to add you to my faves if thats ok?

April 27, 2007

“anointing in my smile” I hope there’s anointing in my smile coz I smile a lot but definitely it has brought lots of wrinkles! I identify with #8, too. MsD, I throughly enjoyed this and #10 really lit me up. Thanks, you made my day. God bless.

Too funny! Smooches…