



Oh my Lord I cannot believe it’s been so long since the last time I’ve written in here.

I’m mainly in facebook and I can make quick updates and keep on going so I do it there. This is the first slow day at work since the last entry that I’ve written. Hopefully that gives you a feel for how crazy it’s been around here lol. When I say it’s been crazy I mean it’s been crazy. Our workload has tripled that which we had when first coming into the company. I believe that is because business is booming! It’s a growing pain that comes with the territory. But it comes with much stress and headache. Seeing as how back in April my boss got fired because honestly he was a nice person but a horrible boss. Well we’ve gotten a new boss and though he’s only been with the company 2-3 weeks he is really a great boss. He is six sigma black belt cerified and has over 25 years experience in consulting and technology so he is very much qualified to get us together. We do pretty good as a team but it’s really nice to have someone overseeing us and helping to keep us in tip top shape.

Church has been pretty busy. Had a wedding and I’m still taking classes but they end at the end of this month thank you JESUS! I didn’t think I’d be able to make it through but it’s working itself out. i will be licensed in July as a minister in the prophetic ministry. I have quite a few candidates for intercessory prayer and that’s really exciting. I have tons of information on the training docs for intercessory prayer. i have info on tongues and it’s appropriation(candidate had a question about this),  house Calls(sick and shut in),  Levitical priesthood,  Melchizedak priesthood whom christ followed (Hebrews 7), Prophetic Intercession, and building relationship activities between the members (code word for outings yippee lol).

Kids are out of school and calling me from home every 5 minutes tell on each other and to ask if they can do this or if they can do that. Fun times. Quincy has a trackmeet in trotwood this Sunday that we’ll be attending because it’s closer to home than most track meets. I was asked to preach this Sunday but turned it down because family comes first and besides I see the same ppl day in and day out anyways. I’ll preach another time. Oh and BTW I’ve listened to my former messages and I’ve found a way to streamline my notes and outlines to shorten up my sermons and get to the point with including the relevance and being practical in my sermons.

That has pretty much been life for me as of lately. Work, Church, and Family. Had and still have some tough spots as far as finances are concerned but we’re on the way to getting better with it all. It’s a process I’m learning and God’s faithfulness to me as I obey is by far outweighing any of my own faithfulness that I give to him. He’s been quite frankly blowing my mind.

Workouts are back on track after a 2 week stress induced breakdown and absolutely no working out or sleeping. Yeah more on that later lol. but things are looking up and all is well in Nikkiland.

Check out my playlist! They don’t have alot of Gospel on the site but I got what I could:



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lol yeah people tend to be on facebook more than OD these days lol

June 4, 2009

That’s awesome about the Minister of the Prophetic Ministry. Rock on Woman!!

June 4, 2009

Hey look me up on FB martin pratt You have training for candidates for intercessory prayer? I’ll have to update you on ministry here with the disciples. Training and doing street evangelism.

June 4, 2009

BTW, do you know Wanda Nero Butler? I just bought two CDs

June 4, 2009

BTW, do you know Wanda Nero Butler? I just bought two CDs

I’m glad things are on a better note now. Enjoy that track meet! *blessings!*

June 5, 2009

Welcome to the club lol. Atleast we get to hear from each other on facebook though right?

I’m glad things are going good for you!

RYN: lol trust, I will have things in order. I’m not gonna do like I did going to houston. I need a job to save up to be able to go, but I really venture out on my own, and not just cause bro is coming to live here lol. I need room to grow.

June 10, 2009

Sounds like life is going great. Praise God.