
Well the previous entry made some of you sit up and take notice.

You want to know what it is eh…..

A bit more of a tease…opened at a random page:

I leaned toward you, and you leaned over me. Our arms were about each other. I was weeping as you kissed me frantically all over my face; we were suddenly two greedy children whose candy had been stolen away. I had my hands inside your fly, holding the hard, hot shape of your maleness, and my dress was up to my waist, both your hands thrust throught the waistband of the flimsy pants to caress me with trembing probing, fingers. The toot of a horn as a car sailed by, two boys and a blonde girl laughing and waving, making obsene gestures at us so that we had to pull apart, trembling in our shame and heedless lust.

Do you want more or do you want to know the book.

If you want more pick a page and sentence and I will give you the rest of the paragraph in a note 😉

Just another little piece of me…..

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October 15, 2006

Hi fellow Aussie, whats the book? Please, reveal it to me, I plead.

October 15, 2006

Yes, do tell. This is a fun survey. 😉

October 15, 2006

Sounds like a saucy little book!! What is it??? 😉

October 16, 2006

Page 82, sixth sentence down from the top.

October 17, 2006