And today’s entry is brought to you by the letter


Would you believe that I ran out of room in the Title entry to get the letter "E" in there?!

Anyway one of my lovely faves Moongate did this and so I thought in an effort to put something in here I would do the letter thing and she gave me the letter E.

So in no particular order:

  1. Elizabeth That’s my sisters name and althought I am not overly fond of the name, I love her a heck of a lot, so it gets a notable mention.
  2. Excited I like feeling excited. I have a little ball of excitement in the pit of my stomach as I type this, because my holiday down south is getting closer
  3. Extra Cash Ok I know it is officially 2 words, but really who doesn’t like it when they discover they have some extra cash and can do something special because they don’t have to save it or pay off a bill or any of the numerous other things we find that we usually have to do with money when we are responsible. For example, yesterday I bought myself a venetian glass necklace, just because it was pretty 🙂
  4. Ecstasy Not the drug, but the eurphoric high that it was named after. You can get it lots of ways, natural ways. I have a few favourites *winks* but I am not going to gointo too much detail.
  5. E-Bay Yup I LOVE Ebay. Mainly because I love a bargian. I often spend hours trolling through Ebay, but it takes me a lot of desire before I will put in a bid.
  6. Egocentric A diarist who used to write here alot who i miss terribly. COME BACK LUKE!!!!!!
  7. English Was my favourite subject at scool. Infact I studied at university to become an English Teacher
  8. Entertainment I enjoy being entertained by books and movies. I also enjoy entertaning people, having them over foe a nice meal, a few bottles of wine, good company. It is these kinds of things that remind me that my life is good.
  9. Email I love getting emais, it is just such a shame that i such at replying to them!
  10. Elevation This is a bit of a weird one, but that’s ehat they call it when you go third in Wicca, you are "Elevated to the Third Degree" I start my preperation for the ritual soon. I am excited. I also want it to be perfect as I have worked hard towards this.

So there you go my top 10 E words.

Let me know if you want a letter.

Just another little piece of me…..

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July 28, 2007

yay for the letter E! that’s all I got, Kathy….i’ve just finished an entire bottle of australian white all by myself… oy the headache tomorrow!

Ooh, my favorite letter for obvious reasons. <3

July 28, 2007

I like this one … if you pick a letter for me, I’ll do it 🙂 *hugs* Great to see an entry from you hon.

July 29, 2007

English was always my favorite subject as well, probably because I was best at it. I stunk at math and science, and who likes things you’re bad at? Good luck with your elevation. I know nothing about Wicca, but if it’s important to you, I wish you the best of luck with it.