I AM alive…

Sorry for disappearing! My computer broke and we took it to get fixed and then we got it back and the d drive broke and just when I was about to die of withdrawl symptoms, best buy called and said we were approved for a "no lemon junk out"…


What that means is that I got a brand new computer because they decided that my 2 1/2 year old laptop was bad… I LOVE best buy! I just got my new computer last night (it’s SO SHINY!) and I’ll try to update more often and read everyone’s ODs to catch up! I’ve missed you all!


Things are super busy right now… getting ready for Stephanie to go to kindergarten (I’m SO not ready) and getting ready for my friend, Theo to visit from Denmark Aug 17-23. I’m SOOOOO excited!


Makenzie turned a year on July 8. She’s walking everywhere now! She has 6 teeth, but I think she’s working on 2-4 more. All my babies are getting so big!


Hope you’re all doing ok!

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August 3, 2008

That’s exciting about your laptop. After 3 or so years (and an expired extended warrenty) I’m getting anxious about my Lilith breaking down. Kids grow up too fast… I hope the transition to Kindergarten is a smooth one, for you both šŸ™‚

August 3, 2008

Ooh kindy…what a big step! it’s amazing how fast babies grow.

August 4, 2008

its wonderful to hear from you too!! i have been MIA myself…lol. yay for us getting new laptops!!!

August 4, 2008

yay! glad you’re back šŸ™‚ that’s pretty much awesome about the no lemon thing!

August 7, 2008

yay!!! Was wondering where you were! Thank you for your good advice, i’ve decided that it is one of those things too… Ha – he just IM’d me (just this second)from Palo Alto to tell me about his day… I think we just click on a certain level – there’s nothign more to it than that! Hmmm.

August 9, 2008

Thank gawd you’re back. I was beginning to worry. It’s been cah-razy since you’ve dilapidated on your diary. I have to shower and pack tho! So I look forward to the multitude of notes I fully expect as you back track through my entries. šŸ™‚ TTYL! Much <3, ~Andrew~

August 12, 2008

ryn- yeah it was fun. especially after we got through the first melt down of Tianna’s. lol.

August 12, 2008

thanks; && wow, kindergarden and walking and teeths? someone’s a busy momma huh? šŸ˜› so glad you’re alive :] stay well (:

August 12, 2008

It would appear that I noted them, and then we had a note war. It happened yesterday, and she scares me a little. šŸ˜› I now have fear of rest stops due to her. *tear* I’m happy that I can challenge your noting abilities because of my randomness. šŸ˜€

August 14, 2008

Hey~ I’ve been meaning to say that its good to hear that you are alive:) RYN: I hope my boobies stay too:)

August 15, 2008

Sounds like you have lots to do !!!