I really

, vcalln habc all .f bh,si , d.yb ky.x xhab b. d. ayn u.vci i s.ucb,ucs x,sh , e.mld jmsb g,rc m/o

ayd bhcy bhcvc avc b,ucs , vcalln d.yb xanb b. g,rc m/

v,ghb y.x , fccl s. d,sbayb fv.u n.m, ayd bhcvc avc h,gh ehayecs bhab ,b x,ll alxans tc l,kc bh,so

, .yln x,sh , kycxi bhab xan , ky.x , x.yb gcb hmvbo

, ky.x , e.mld g,rc n.m s. umehi tmb bhcy m jmsb u,ghb y.b xayb xhab , harc b. g,rco

, gmcss , eay alxans kcc/ l,r,yg ,y un dvcau x.vldi crcy bh. mv y.b vcal ,y un dvcau x.vldi n.m sb,ll uakc uc ha//no

, jmsb h./c bhab m f,yd xhab bvmcln uakcs n.m ha//ni tceamsc m v smeh a x.ydcvfml /cvs.yi ayd n.m dcscvrc smeh bvmc ha//,ycss.

.yc dan , u,ghb harc e.uc b. l.rc n.mi tmb , d.yb bh,yk n.m x,ll crcv g,rc uc bhc ehayec.

l.bs hmgs lmkc

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July 3, 2007

You are very cute too bad I cant read it…

July 5, 2007

Thank you for the note. Its is kinda drama filled

RYN: Shame it is so hard to find huh?