Survey time!!
1. What’s your least favorite season?
Summer. I hate the heat. I cannot take the mugginess.
2. Do you prefer to text or call?
Text bc it’s faster and easier… I know I’m a lazy arse.
3. Morning or Night?
Night. I like the stillness and quiet.
4. Do you like tacos?
Yepp.. had them tonight!
5. Are you an Introvert or an Extrovert?
6. What’s your favorite dessert?
Tiramisu dies
7. Do you enjoy walks?
Yeah, they are an important part of my life.
8. Are you a frequent user of Facebook?
9. Do you watch animated shows still?
I love Bobs Burgers! And in the same vein, Home Movies…
10. Can you roll your tongue?
11. Are you scared of anything?
I have agoraphobia, ancraephobia and coulrophobia.
12. Big Mac or Whopper?
Mmm.. the Big Mac. ^^
13. Do you like to play board games?
Monopoly but that shit can last forever!
14. Are you fond of romantic novels?
When I was a teenager I enjoyed Mazo De la Roche and Harlequins but not now.
15. Fruit Loops or Coco Puffs?
Again, I’m not a picky eater. Sugary cereal is sugary cereal
16. Who was your favorite Disney princess as a child?
Ariel. A fellow redhead.
17. Would you forgive someone for cheating?
I think everyone deserves to be forgiven. I don’t really have trouble forgiving other people; I have trouble forgiving myself.
18. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange?
19. Do you like to read?
I have an extensive ebook collection…
20. Do you believe in aliens?
Oh yes. The universe is too large for me to not believe in aliens.
21. Are you a grumpy person?
Eh sometimes, I try not to be.
22. Do you like having your picture taken?
23. Do you like Cotton Candy?
Nope. Icky.
24. Would you ever use a dating site?
I have. Didn’t enjoy it.
25. Do you believe in ghosts?
26. Rap or Pop?
Punk and alt
27. What’s the weirdest flavor of ice cream you’ve tried?
Bubblegum or Guinness…?
28. Do you like math?
Maths make my brains bleed.
29. Are you the type of person to laugh at others misfortune?
I wanna say no, but I definitely laughed for a long time when trump got covid
30. Love or Lust?
Love. Lust doesn’t give you the same feeling.
31. Do you remember lyrics easily?
Pretty much
32. What was/is your favorite school subject?
Art and history
33. Do you like tattoos?
I want one but looooooooooooong after COVID.
34. Are you the type of person to lie?
Nah. I’m usually too honest.
35. What music are you listening to right now?
Conor Maynard ‘Vegas Girl’
36. Are you allergic to anything?
Many things….
37. Do you like Lady Gaga?
Sure do.
38. How about Nicki Minaj?
39. Do you like rainy days?
Love them.
40. Last question, do you like pie?
Love pie. ^^
I have seen A Clock with Orange, I love animals, I am introverted but I can be friendly with the right people. I like Classical Music , Musicals, I hate Facebook, I prefer, and and and I love to write and help people but I don’t want to hear their excuses or sob stories about why they tried drugs and alcohol. I have been around the world and heard all their excuses . I don’t like RAP my son calls it Random Ass People Music. Love hurts and Lust useless. I am a Pagan, Wicca and Witch. I believe in spirits and dating sites are useless.
No I hate liars, cheaters and players. I am listening to Rod Stewart. Blessed Be.
@ladywicca I like MeWe too. I am not one for FB. I <3 that what your son calls rap! LOL!!! I believe in spirits too.
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Guinness ice cream? Yuck!!
@mamaqueenie518 LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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