It’s just the way you move baby…
How’s life for y’all? I am good. The sun is shining.. (!) and the birds are doing their birdie things… lol… the racoons are ransacking our garbage bins… stupid animals. Spring is here even if winter has it’s last bloody hurrah. A snow storm Thursday… pfft. Pfft I say!
Pray that Julz doesn’t have eye cancer? Some say it’s cataracts, others a torn retina, and still others the C word.
I don’t want to lose her.
Julz finally has a computer. It is an HP Elitebook that Jotee had hidden away… it was mine, then I gave it to G and she snubbed it and gave it to Jo. :/
My computer is waiting for me with my iPad Air. I am getting it either Wednesday or Thursday.
I say Blah to snow. I hate it.
@soldierblue Me 2 Soldier.
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Sooo exciting you are getting a new computer. Life is looking up, even if you get snow.
@novembercirese Aye
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Shameful little buggers but they are super cute!
@mermycohea Yes, they are audacious little fuckers.
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