Good early morning…

So, I am awake at 2a. They say waking up at this time means someone or something is watching you… I’m not paranoid or anything… just sayin’.

I’m going to go to the loo and then hit the hay… or whatever. Ry isn’t working here anymore as a home operator. That is sad but inevitable. He had too many strikes against him.

What’s happening with you? Bath day today. 

I love this video. It’s a high energy dance song, with people dancing… kind of makes me wanna get up and boogie!

Well.. better go to the loo..


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April 6, 2021

My bath day was yesterday.  I had to have help.  It was rather embarrassing.

April 6, 2021

@novembercirese I need to have help too. It may seem embarrassing but then idgaf.

April 7, 2021

@moonshinemollie Probably the attitude to have.