
Not much going on today. I got quite a few things accomplished at work which is always a good feeling. Too often (especially during the first quarter) I feel like I’m running in place and getting nothing done.

On the radio this morning the dj’s were talking about Sweet Shop USA which is a chocolate factory here in Fort Worth. They were taste testing several different pieces of chocolate. They were talking about how heavy the truffles were – one dj dropped one and it made a loud "thunk". How good do they look??

We had three birthdays this week (Willow’s Sunday and my sister Emily & her daughter Reilly today). I had an assembly line of cards going for everyone to sign. I wish I had scanned them after Ben signed them. He makes a "B" pretty good. He says to himself "one hump, two humps". Then he makes an "N" – backwards every time. Then he makes an "E" in between the B and N. On three cards, one E was oriented correctly, one was sideways, and one was backwards. He did concentrate very hard to make the top bar even with the top of the line, the middle bar in the middle, and the bottom bar even with the bottom of the line. He’s doing pretty well! He recognizes most letters of the alphabet and can also make an O but I’ve never seen him make any others.

Tomorrow is picture day for the girls. A week or so ago I noticed that Rebecca’s hair looked a little strange. Upon further inspection, I discovered that she had cut a chunk of her bangs, right in front, down to the hairline. I mean these hairs could not be any shorter. I haven’t gotten her in to the salon to have it fixed – I don’t even know what they can do. I certainly don’t want them to cut the rest of her bangs to match! So I guess we will have a memento of her haircut. Her current haircut is a bi-level (remember those?) because she decided to cut some layers in her hair herself. The stylist was able to blend that in a little.

The girls are out of school Friday so I am taking a vacation day. I have alot I’d like to accomplish that day too:

  • investigate tile installation prices from a "flooring-only" store (i.e. not Home Depot)
  • make Rebecca’s birthday cake
  • plan/make dinner for Friday night (in-laws coming for Rebecca’s birthday)
  • buy supplies for Rebecca’s party Saturday (the gym provides nothing)
  • wrap Rebecca’s presents
  • go to the library
  • take the girls out for ice cream & finally use their Braum’s coupons they got for reading
  • sleep in
  • relax
  • do nothing


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April 9, 2008

Those truffles look fab. I loooooove amaretto truffles. Oh! Rebecca’s a little hair stylist? Ben’s handwriting sounds cute. When Alexis signs her name, she writes in all capital letters and her “E” will sometimes not have a vertical line down, just the 3 horizontal lines, LOL!