Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a small Thanksgiving this year – just us, my father-in-law and brother-in-law. My mother-in-law and nephew went to San Antonio to visit her family there (his school was out all week).

Rebecca made placemats for everyone with place to write 10 things we were thankful for. Before the meal we each wrote our list and then as part of our prayer we each read them. I thought it would be nice to take pictures of everyone’s lists.

Rebecca’s: family, pie (pumpkin only), clothes, blankets, school, food, nature, friends, life, and plants.

Mine: my family, being healthy, my job, good food, good books, my car, being Ben’s room mother, my friends, pretty orange tree (in our front yard), our house.

Ben’s: wolfs, werewolfs, God, Ellie, food, Jesus, friends, life, pizza, snakes, school, monkey.

FIL: grandkids, my wife, my family, good health, lots of friends, great job, my ponytail – yea, no more army haircuts, my dog Chewie, doors I have yet to open, the day given.

Bruce (BIL): family, friends, work, music, summer, turkey, movies, art, Starbucks, computers.

David’s: family, Rebecca, Courtney, Ben, Sally, Dad, Bruce, food.

Courtney’s: life, family, friends, home, living in USA, school, God, Jesus, Earth, Sun.

Here is the orange tree in our front yard that I mentioned:

We don’t always get nice bright leaves (they go green to brown), but this has been a good year for bright oranges, yellows and reds.

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November 26, 2010

That is a great idea. Glad you had a good day.

November 28, 2010

The placemats were a wonderful idea.

January 4, 2011

i loved most of the outlander series…at least, what i read. i got stuck at Fiery Cross. i was impressed with Exile. it wasn’t a retelling of the same story from the same perspective and i think that’s what sold me on it. in fact, it made me put outlander back on my to read list.

July 17, 2011

RYN: yup, it’s the first. It would be the last if i hadn’t been told the later books are better. I like seeing the start of a series…but this is pushing it. Not as bad as the spenser books though. The first of that series was bsd enough for me to not finish and never try again. I’ll just stick to the tv show instead.