. Another Week

Well it’s Monday the start of another week. The weeks just keep marching on.

I had a good weekend. Friday a friend of my father-in-law’s who is a financial planner came by. He had given her my name when she asked him for a referral. She’s nice, I listened to her spiel and I’m doing the next step which is to have her look at our financial situation (account balances, debt, insurance plans) and see if she has any recommendations. Since she gets paid on commissions, I’m sure she will. I’ll just have to see what she says.

Then later Friday night was the big Battlestar Galactica premier!! We had been looking forward to this forever! It did not disappoint.

Saturday I did a little weeding. Little by little I’m cleaning out our front flower beds. Last year they contained overgrown hedges and overgrown ground cover. I’m going to clean them out and have some pots and some flowering plants, nothing that will climb up the house or spill over onto the sidewalk. It’s hard work now though, I’m pulling all these viny roots from the ground cover.

I did some shopping Saturday too. I had some Real Woman dollars from LB ($25 off $50 purchase – I had 2). I got two summer sweaters, a pair of capris and a pair of pants. I also got Rebecca’s birthday shopping done. I got her a badmitton/volleyball set, a scooter, 2 books and 2 outfits from Old Navy. She’s having her party at her gymnastics gym next Saturday.  (Her 7th birthday is Friday).

Yesterday we went to my in-laws for Willow’s 15th birthday party. The kids were dying to get in the pool but it hadn’t been cleaned yet. Not to mention, I don’t think it’s really been warm enough. We’ve had some nice days, but the water was still cold.

David’s mom was telling me this whole saga of one of David’s cousins. He is in jail, his wife is on drugs, and his kids are in foster care. Now his wife (or she might be his ex-wife) is saying that he raped her. I kept asking why the kids were in foster care, why didn’t Charleen (David’s aunt who would be the kids’ grandma) or another of her kids (she has 6, including the one in jail) had them. If one of my siblings was in jail and their spouse was on drugs, I would fight to have their kids rather than have them go into foster care. In 13 years, I’ve only met a couple people on this side of David’s family & have no desire to meet any of the rest. They all sound crazy.

My studying is going well. I finished reading everything I needed to read – over 2,100 pages. Now I have about 5 weeks to study/memorize/make sure I can work problems. Hopefully this time will go better.

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April 7, 2008

I can’t believe Rebecca is almost 7! Wow. It sounds like she’ll have a great birthday with just her stash of presents she is getting from you. I would fight to have a family member with me instead of foster care too. It’s really strange that the grandma isn’t trying to get the kids.