Update of some sort
Well let’s see what inspires me today. Winter sucks from the most part. I wish I could figure out how to post pictures on here. You wouldn’t believe all the snow we have here. I can’t even see to back out of the driveway. The snowbanks are so high, and it will take forever for them to melt. Should be gone by next winter only to start over again.
It’s freezing too. I keep checking the temp and it hasn’t gotten above zero yet today. Fat chance of that happening too. My son in Fargo said they need a big blanket to put over Fargo it is so cold. Last night I checked their temp. online and it said -17 with a wind chill of -48. And that was at 7 at night. Burrrrrrrr….that is cold. Hopefully he stayed close to the dorms and didn’t drive around in the cold. We still have March to go with snow and that is usually when we get hit hard. Well there is no place to go with it. They have quit salting the roads for fear of running out. We need a week of 50’s just to get the melt going. The sun feels good today it’s been a while since we have seen it.
School for our younger son is going very well. I couldn’t be prouder of him. I just hope he keeps it up. He got a 3.2 last semester. Not bad for him as he never brings homework home or even tries to get any kind of good grades. I think he thinks if he just shows up that is his way of getting a grade. Not quite sure what he is going to do for school when he gets out. He said he wants to take some time off. That scares me as he won’t go back. But I told him he will have to get a full time job with benefits because he won’t have any health insurance if he doesn’t. We will see, maybe we can send him to the technical school and he can see what he wants to do. They are so full it takes 3 or 4 years to complete because every program is full. He talks about being a cop but not sure if he will follow thru on it.
Our older son seems to be doing pretty good in college. WE still have a very high expectations for him. He is talking about living with a few friends next year which is fine. I just want him to keep working hard. He has high expectations if he wants to be a pharmacist. He can take the PCAT test this summer and see how he does. I have to find the book for him to study from also. Hopefully his Junior year he can get into Pharmacy school and then the pressure isn’t so high. We are all so proud of him for working so hard. I want nothing less than for him to make it in life and he will be set. He is a good kid and has alot going for him.
I am still working at both jobs. About 13-15 hours a week for each. I am keeping busy and saving alot of money which is nice. Our neighbors went to Mexico in January and now we are all planning a trip there next Jan or Feb. I am so excited about it I can’t wait. Hubby says he wants to make sure he has a job. I am like we already have the money so lets go! Which by the way he hasn’t had anything to do at work since before Christmas. They were told to quit working on the project they were working on so now they all sit while getting paid to do nothing. That worries us as we don’t know what the future will bring. I guess we will wait and see what happens. I told him to update his resume and get ready to hit the road. I am sure we will have to move. There are no jobs that pay what that job pays in this town and our younger son is 17. He can always stay with family or something to get thru his Senior year at school.
Well I am going to read the paper. I want to get another dog. I was thinking of a Yorkie, but people have told me they bark alot. I already have a barking dog so we will see. I have to find one first. Any input on them would be great!
Have a good one.
If you open an account with photobucket, maybe I can help you. I posted pictures last year using it. I followed some instructions someone else gave me and I can look them up if you want.
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We haven’t been hit with any heavy snowfalls up north of you here, but like you said, there’s March yet to deal with! Yorkies are really cute little dogs, but yeah, they’re the yippy-barky type. Eeek!
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We have friends with a Yorkie, Pearl is a little white cutie that barks alot & pees when she is excited. Our friends are maticulous about cleaning up after Pearl if she pees but even still their home is starting to smell like a dog & pee.
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