The calm before the storm…
I am enjoying this week before it gets crazy next week. We all know how black Friday can be. I am hoping to get most of my hours in by Wednesday so I can enjoy the weekend with the boys. Our older son will be coming home from Fargo. I can’t wait to see him and to spend Thanksgiving together! He will be able to see the newest addition to the family. I know he is thrilled. He loves little babies.
Our younger son could care less. His thought is just another kid around. Although he does like to hang out with his younger cousin who is 12. I think he feels like he can boss him around.
It was nice having two days off this week. I went out and attempted to Christmas shop. I am so uninspired. I can’t think of a thing to get anyone and I just don’t know what to buy. I told my girlfriends we were not doing Christmas this year to just spend it on thier grandkids. I hope they follow thru because I am not getting them anything. It just gets so exspensive.
We also told the boys it won’t be a big Christmas this year. For our kids it’s Christmas every month. Whatever they want they get. And they don’t ask for much so it’s hard to buy. We are taking them to Mexico for spring break and they are excited about that. I am looking forward to another family vacation. Who knows when the next one will come. It just works out that they have spring break at the same time. It’s our younger son’s senior year and we went to Las Vegas when our other son was a senior so we call it the senior trip. I am looking forward to the day when hubby and I can travel a couple of times a year and have fun without worries. I hope he is able to keep his job for a while.
In this economy anything is possible. I don’t give that place much to go on though and they will lay off. There have been layoffs over the last 20 years and hubby has made it. His time we feel is running out. So we will see what happens. It’s nice now so that if we have to move, the kids will be out of school and they won’t have to adjust. Our younger son can live here with family if he chooses or on his own.
I have decided if hubby is still employed next year to have Lasik done. I have gone to the eye Dr. already and done all the prelimanary tests. I have scheduled the date in January so as long as he still is employed I will go thru with it. I am unable to do the surgery with a blade so I had to go the more exspensive route of bladeless. In a way I am glad about that but it should work out better since I get free touch ups for life.
I am looking forward to the holiday season this year and having both kids home. It is always a treat and feels so good.
On that note I will close and get some laundry done.
Cold but sunny here today. I am not looking forward to winter at all.
Thinking sunny warm thoughts.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I’m almost done with my shopping. Most of it has been online or through catalogs so it’s not been a hassle in the stores, which I really don’t like. I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving in Fairbanks with the kids too & a few of their friends. I’m hoping with you for everyone’s jobs etc to be stable very soon. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours too.
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I would love to have the lasik done, but our insurance won’t pay for it right now. I hope you enjoy your time with your family this week. Have a happy one:) J
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would be nice to not to have to wear glasses but i don’t see that surgery in my future. hope your husband still has a job for next year and years afterward. not doing much for christmas this year. it’s enough to be together. i hope you had a nice time with your older son. i know my daughter loved seeing her older boy home from college for a few days. take care,
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ryn: i just want to say YOU GO GIRL! that was awesome!!!! very uplifting. i really needed that. thanks! hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
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oh and i am so jealous you might have lasik!
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