Summer fun….
I am enjoying this summer so much. I have worked little and just enjoyed sitting in the summer breeze reading the paper and just relaxing. I also am enjoying our older son who is home for summer break from school. He goes back in a month and some days I just can’t wait. But most of the time I dread when we have to drive him back there. It’s about a 5 hour drive and it will be longer going over with a full trailer full of his stuff. But that is the life of a college kid. Hopefully he goes there again next year and can just move his stuff from one house to the next without our help. But in any event we will be happy to help him out. He goes back in another month.
The birds are loud today and I love hearing them and never get sick of it. You never really stop to listen when life is flying by. I did work four days this week but they were about 5 hours each. I can’t work more than 20 hours a week. The company I work for won’t let me. Something stupid about paying out benefits then. I think it’s all about not wanting to give up their profit sharing but that is my opinion. It all boils down to money. Anyway I won’t go out of my way to help them out more at Christmas I guess.
Still trying to find a part time job but I might have something in mind. My brother and his wife are having a baby in November so I could always help out with the baby. Can’t wait till that day comes. We haven’t had a new neice or nephew in 12 years. It’s almost like we are starting over. That baby is going to be so spoiled. It’s the first Grandchild on my SIL side and they are generous people. I bet her mom is stockpiling already.
Well not much else happening I just wanted to update.
Take care
glad you updated!!
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babysitting would be so much fun, especially with a relative. I wish I was close enough to be able to babysit for my grandchildren. I too have been enjoying time off but I must admit I am ready to go back to work doing something. I was just hoping it would be working somewhere in Arizona.
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