Still not happening
I guess I am really dense when it comes to posting pictures on this web site. I know how to do it thru my email but I can’t figure this web site out for the life of me.
I would really like to start posting pictures if I could just figure it out. I know they have to be a certain size also before you can post them. Anyway someday I will figure it out and grace you with my presents of a pictures.
I have started working both jobs and it is going ok. I am not sure what my schedule looks like the next couple of weeks until I go in tomorrow. I am sure I will be working more and the days I asked off for won’t be on the schedule. I will have to do some serious bitching if not. I will find out on Friday if we are hiring someone else from my manager. I haven’t worked there since last Thursday.
Going to the Green Bay Packer game on Sunday. Should be a great time. I am looking forward to it. Hope the weather holds out. Right now it’s supposed to be cloudy and 60. Works for me it could be worse and rain. Don’t need the rain that is for sure.
Well the sprinkler guy just got done blowing out the sprinklers and I have to run to Target to get my son’s g-friend a gift card and a birthday card and get that in the mail.
Have a great day!
Do you transfer you pictures to a website like a personal webpage, snapfish, or any other picture site?
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