
It’s finally Friday.  I love Friday’s now that I don’t have to work on Saturday.   Even if I did have to work and got to do it on my terms I wouldn’t care!  It’s just nice to be free of that ever so damned job.

I worked extra this week and that was nice.  One of the girls from the other store is sick and not sure if she will be back.  So maybe I will come up with something on my terms and see if they go for it.  Then again maybe they will just hire someone for that store.  Who knows. 

Memorial Day weekend was nice.  Saturday we went up to the Lake and just sat around by the fire.  Nice and relaxing….loved it.  Sunday we got together with the neighbors and enjoyed another fire and company.  It’s always a treat to get together with them and catch up on old times.  We had a bad storm go thru and lots of wind.  A tornado close by but no damage here.  Then we continued our fire a couple of hours later. 

Monday we just grilled out and did some things around the house since it was nice outside.  I relaxed and had a great time. 

The younger son will be out of school next week.  Should be interesting. I hate that they sleep all day and do nothing with their summer.  Although this year he has to get a job.  With gas at $4 a gallon and it will probably get worse he needs one.  Gives him something to do also and then he can save money and he can save to buy things if he needs them.  It’s too bad these kids aren’t into things.  They really don’t buy or want anything so birthdays and Christmas are always hard to buy for them.  Although what poor college kid doesn’t need money!

I had a pap smear come back with some abnormal cells so now I have to have a biopsy done in a couple of weeks.  Not sure if I should be concerned or not.  Some of these places do all this extra testing and you wonder if they are just taking advantage of your insurance.   I have had a abnormal pap smear before and they just did another pap smear.  I guess I will have to google it and see what becomes of it.

Well I have been sitting around all day waiting for this lady to call about a job.  I guess she isn’t going to call.  The 2nd time I have dealt with someone from this company that said they would do something and they haven’t. I guess it’s not a place where I want to work.  I hate unrealiable people like I have said in the past.  Don’t say you are going to do something and then no do it!  Goes with lazy people too.  I think they know they can be lazy because they know nobody else wants their job!   The country is made up of a ton of them. 


Ok I am off to find something constructive to do with my day.  I have already cleaned one bathroom, cleaned the kitchen sink and vacumed two floors with one to go. 

Ta ta



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May 31, 2008