This and That
This week has been crazy, to say the least. For the last week or so, I have been waking up every morning with headaches. My whole head pounding, and goes into my neck. I went to the Dr. on Wednesday. My Dr. said I have tension headaches. I am taking the medication that was prescribed, but I am still waking up with them, just not s bad as before. I take that back, I am only taking 1 medication, as I am waiting for the other one to be delivered to my house today.
THEN, I am ALWAYS on Facebook. So, Wednesday night, I see that there are threats going around for 2 of my kids’ schools. My son is in elementary, and my middle one is in middle school. Both schools had threats against them. I, of course, keep my kids home from school yesterday. My son said to me, “Mommy, I am scared to go to school tomorrow, I am afraid my friends will get shot.” My heart broke into a million pieces. I not only kept those 2 home, but I also kept my daughter in high school home as well. My thinking was, if the all the attention is on those 2 schools, what if the plan was to shoot at a different school that wasn’t mentioned? It’s sad that we have to think that way. It’s also sad that our kids have to have practice drills for these type of situations every so often. Needless to say, the girl making the threats was caught, and arrested. She was all of 12 years old. She was also a friend of my daughters. Her life is pretty much over. Our law enforcement isn’t taking these lightly, which I am happy about. I am glad that they are taking these serious.
I am considering homeschooling my kids with the online virtual school. It’s still up in the air, but I know my kids will be safer at home. No child should live in fear, and no child should be afraid to go to school, of all places.
My son has also been throwing up and having diarrhea the last 2 days. Hubby said he is starting to feel better.
I am at work, and should be working… but I am finding myself on here more than doing my work.
I can relate to the headaches. I wake up with headaches nearly daily. Between tension, migraines, a spinal fluid condition that I have PLUS sleep apnea….NO GOOD. Have you tried a new/different type of pillow? Or a mouth guard? I found that I clench my teeth at night.
I am truly scared to send my child to school every day. I don’t want her to have to live in this type of world. It breaks my heart. I think you made a good decision keeping them home. I would have done the same thing.
@foreverchanging I did buy a new pillow after my Dr. appointment. I will wait to see what the other medicine will do once I get it in the mail( hopefully today) I have never been so scared to send my kids to school as I was yesterday.
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Oh wow, I’m in Australia and school shootings are pretty much unheard of here, I can’t even imagine what it must be like for both you and your children to have to fear going to school like that. I’m so sorry that it’s something you have to deal with, It must be horrible for you…
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I am also considering homeschooling our daughter as well
@spunlikealocket It is a serious thought for my kids. I have to look more into it before I make the move.
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