Things To Do-Spring Cleaning

Blah!  I have so much to do today!  Not counting homework!!!!
Things To Do-Spring Cleaning
Clean the hamster cage
Straighten Up Spare Bedroom
Clean out dresser in spare bedroom
Vacuum spare bedroom
Clean bathroom
Mop floor
Clean counter
Clean toilet
Clean bathtub
Clean in front of the door/sweep/mop
Straighten up computer desk
Dust everything
Clean out mail/junk cupboard
Clean out glass cupboards
Put out new stoneware
Clean off kitchen counters
/mop kitchen floor
Clean up laundry room
Clean up and vacuum bedroom
Clean our bathroom
Clean both counters
Clean toilet
Clean shower
Clean bathtub
Sweep/mop floors

There’s probably more.  It’s a little confusing…but something don’t need much attention and things like the bathrooms have a lot!!!  Blah I better get busy!

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LOL, all I have to go is move…