School Stuff…Almost Done Thank Goodness!!
Well, it’s been a few days. Just trying to get a few things figured out. Got caught up for the most part on my school stuff. I should be working on my research stuff, but I STILL haven’t decided on a for sure topic. I know it’s going to be related to psychology. I’ve narrowed it down to wanting it to be either about infants…young children…or teenage stuff. It’s kinda a difficult because I’m having a hard time trying to decide exactly what I want to do. Hmmm..something just hit me…I could try and research the effects of children in daycare. I mean it’s something I could learn from and use in the future. I’m not trying to offend anyone, but there was a section in my psychology book about it and as of right now I don’t really have an opinion on it…with some research that could change.
I don’t know, I want to do something that I’m really interested in and that I am willing to research and learn about. I need to get my butt in gear though because I have a meeting with the prof on Thursday and I AT least have to have my sources. I wanted to have everyhthing up to an outline, but I doubt that’s going to happen.
Thursday at school went alright. I took my test and did alright. I probably only got a C or so…if that..but if I pass it I pass it. I’m still trying to decide if I’m going to withdraw form the class or not. I got a reply to my email and it shouldn’t effect my financial aid in any way. I’m going to talk to the prof about the Chapter 4 test and see what he says..and see if I even have a change at passing with a C…if not better than a C then I’ll just withdraw and take it next semester. Speaking of which, I’m having a really hard time trying to decide how to do my schedule for this coming Fall. I don’t know where I’ll be job wise…which if I’m where I’m at now, or at my mom’s work, then they need someone full time and I just can’t do that. So from the sounds of it I’ll be somewhere completely different. Matt told me to just apply for the work study and see what happens. I hate that though because they only pay minimum wage. I’d need at least $6.00 an hour.
Anyways, Friday at work was alright. Spent most of the day cleaning up, picking on the old guy lol. After work I stopped to feed the horses and came home.
BLAH I forgot to mention American Idol this week! JPL is gone! I was totally shocked. He had one of his best performances..I thought. I honestly didn’t think he had what it takes to win, but he was WAY better than the red head…blah..anyways…now I got to find someone else to root for.
This weekend has been nice….just kinda relaxing, but it’s time to hit the books!
Leave me notes…I’ll update more on this weekend later!