Welcome to the world….

I have a cousin who has always been more like a brother to me than anything else.    We are so close that it would seem like we are siblings more than just cousins.

A few years ago he married a woman that I had been friends with in HS and such.  He always wanted children, she did not.  then she decided she no longer wanted him either and they ended up getting a divorce.

Then in September 2006 my cousin introduced me to this new woman he was dating.  She seemed nice enough but since it was rather soon after his divorce and he said he never wanted to get married again it was hard to say where it might lead.

Fast forward to February 2008 and I get a call on my son’s birthday from him.  And he tells me the best news ever….I’M HAVING A BABY!  I couldn’t have been happier for him.  You could just hear it in his voice the excitement and anticipation of that little baby.

We saw him and his fiancee and her two daughters at the baby shower they had a little over a week ago.  J was due on April 1st.  So I’ve been anxiously awaiting to hear if the little one had arrived or not, been checking the hospital online nursery at the hospital they were delivering at to see if they had the baby yet and hadn’t seen anything.

Then this morning the phone rang and I didn’t get to it right away.  No message left.  So I checked and saw it was my cousin’s number.  So I called him back and sure enough the new little  one has arrived!!!!!

MacKenna Brie arrived at 12:19 p.m. on Saturday, March 29, 2008.  Weighing in at a tiny 7 lb 7 oz and 19 1/2 inches long.  She has a TON of dark hair.

They came home last night for the first time.  And had that first night at home fun that all new parents have.  lol

I talked to him for like 45 minutes he is SOOOOOOO excited.  He wanted a boy but he said when he found out it was a girl he said he felt it deep inside and teared up all the same.  Awwwww.  He’s one proud Daddy.  I told him I never doubted that no matter if it were a boy or a girl that he would be a proud Daddy.  I told him that I was glad that he finally got that little one he’s always dreamed of having and he said he was too and he wouldn’t trade it for the world.

So welcome to the world little MacKenna!!!!!  I’m glad your finally here and I can’t wait to meet you!

Now it’s back to waiting to see what my other cousin has in May!  2008 is definitely a year for babies it seems in our family.

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April 1, 2008

Awwwwwwwww Congrats to them on their new pink bundle!! What a beautiful name too!

April 1, 2008

I’m pleased for you and your whole family! Maybe 2008 will be a year of finding a man with whom I want to have a baby ;c)

April 2, 2008

I really just wanted to share with you. Thank you for your concern for me and the kids, i appreciate it so much. I did want to say that right now (and always) there is ZERO strength within me in and of MYSELF….all the strength which has been given to me to endure this very difficult time only comes from my Savior, the one who gives life and strength to those who are hurting. I am so thankfully that i can rely on Him for all that He can give!

April 3, 2008
