’twas a good day

My day is far from over, but so far it has been a great birthday. 

It started out by DH saying I didn’t have to get up right away, so I got to lounge around in a nice comfy, warm bed for a change.  Then once I got up he told me to go ahead and take a nice, long hot shower.  Which I did, until I ran out of hot water.  And it was great!  No kids running in and out of the bathroom, no "Mooommma" every two seconds, just pure silence.

We lounged around the house for the rest of the morning.  Then DH took K and they went to town shopping for a gift the kids could give me.  They came back and K looked all crestfallen because they looked and looked at everything and there just wasn’t anything for a Momma’s birthday.  Awwww.  I asked him if the store was empty and he said so seriously "yes Momma, they did have a single thing I could get you".  lol  But then DH came in carrying two dozen roses that K had picked out, a card, and then he brought in a bag which he dug out this yummy looking big piece of Turtle cake and two slices of cheesecake.  And let me tell you that cake WAS yummy!  K picked out the turtle cake for me and a strawberry cheesecake piece for himself.  And they brought lunch home with them too so I didn’t have to worry about that either!  After lunch they put a single candle in my piece of cake and all 3 of them sang Happy Birthday to me.  And the boys helped me blow out my candle.  lol

After the kids went down for a nap DH popped in ’27 Dresses’ for us to watch.  So the afternoon was just as relaxing as the earlier part of the day.  The movie lasted until the kids were getting up from their naps.  Then once they were up we headed out to dinner.  The boys took me to Red Lobster, where I got to enjoy the Lobster Lovers Dream.  Yuuuuuummmmy! 

Overall it’s been a really great day.   A nice relaxing day.  Not to shabby for turning 33 and being 30 weeks pregnant!  Too bad I can’t have a birthday every day if this is how they go!!!!!  lol  I could get used to just sitting back, kicking up my feet and relaxing.  Especially since in a few months there won’t be much rest for anyone once the new little one arrives.  But it’s been great to enjoy what today brought. I have to say it has been one of the better birthday’s I’ve had.  

I’m off to enjoy what is left of my relaxing day before it slips away completly and tomorrow brings back the same old routine.

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