Time passer

Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours? My boys probably.  I’m ‘tied’ to them already so might as well make it official!  lol


Who do you blame for your mood today? My boys.  They’ve been good (so far) today so I’m in a good mood.


Have you ever seen a dead body? Unfortunately to many.


What should we do with stupid people? Put them all on a deserted island together and see if they can figure out how to survive.


How long do you think you will live? Hopefully it will be a long, long time yet.


What was the first thing you did this morning? Looked at the alarm clock to see what time it was, then got up.


The color of carpet in your bedroom? gray.  all the carpeting in the house is gray, except for one room that we replaced which is some shade of blue.


Last person you went out to dinner with? My DH, boys, and Mom.


Are you spoiled? Nope, can’t say that I am.


Do you drink lots of water? Nope.  But I do drink alot of Propel water.


What toothpaste do you use? Crest


How do you vent your anger? Depends on who it is that I’m angry with.


The last compliment you received? Um, that would probably be from my son who told me that I was a sweetheart and a special Momma because I let him do something he wanted to do.  lol


What are you doing this weekend? Not much of anything since this is the first weekend we’ve been home so far this month.


When was the last time you threw up? December I think it was.


What theme does your room have? Kitchen:  antique teapots and apples.  Living room: started out being Tuscan but got lost along the way.  lol   Family room:  computer room and toys, toys, toys.  lol  Ok, so I just realized that our house HAS no theme.  Oye.  lol


Are you a mama’s child or a daddy’s child? My ‘daddy’ was never in the picture so that’s a no go.  I was raised by my Mom and Grandma but  was not really their ‘child’ either.


Would you ever join the military? I support our troops but I would never want to join.  Especially not in this day and age.


The last website you visited? foster care sites.  I was helping out a friend with some questions.


Who was the last person you took a picture with? It was with my two boys when we went to a baseball game last month.


Last person you went to the movies with? That was with DH back in…..2003 I think.  lol  So technically I guess with DH and K becuase I was pregnant with him at the time! 


What did you do/will you do for your birthday this year? I can’t remember what I did this year.  And I have no idea what I’ll do next year, only time will tell I guess!


Number of layers on your bed? three on the mattress (we need a new mattress so badly!) and 3 on top.


Is anything alive in your room? Nope


Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week? Back a week was alot of fun.  But ahead a week would mean that the estate hearing will be over with and I can put that behind me.  So it’s a toss up.


What are you looking forward to right now? The weekend.  Followed by the Estate hearing being over with next week so we can close out this stuff and move on with our lives.


If you could re-name the road you live on, what would you name it? We live on street called Pleasant Drive.  What could be better than that?!?  lol


What would you like your tombstone to say? Loving wife, mother and daughter.  Or Gone but not forgotten.  I guess it doesn’t matter becuase I won’t see it anyway.


How much money would it take for you to swallow a live earthworm? There isn’t enough money that could be offered that would get me to do that. 


How often do you get a haircut? Not often.  Maybe once every 6 months or so.  But more likely, it’s when it gets on my nerves and I can’t take it anymore and then I go in. 


If you won 1,000 dollars and had to spilt it with someone besides your significant other, who would you split it with? My Mom.  She’s planning on retiring in a few months and with the way the economy is right now I think she’ll have it a little harder than normal.  So I would share it with her so she wouldn’t have to struggle.


Would you spend 6 months in jail if when you get out, you get a million dollars, tax-free? That’s a hard one really.  I guess I would say yes if I got out on like a Huber type thing so I could spend the days with my boys/family and only had to spend nights in there.


Would you use your normal vocabulary if Jesus were standing beside you (in the flesh)? Why not.  If He’s everywhere already and sees and hears all that we do now what would be the difference if He stood next to me and heard  me speak?  He already knows who I am and how I speak and whatever so no use trying to be someone I’m not.



What’s the last cartoon you watched? I have no real clue.  It may have been Thomas and Friends or Tom and Jerry. 


Describe your favorite ball-cap: It’s navy blue with a black velour bill and it has a black patch on the front with an embroidered Yellowjacket on it and the letters GT.  It’s a baseball cap I got when I visited my DH in college many years ago.


If someone gave you a house 100% free (no taxes, no repairs) but it was supposedly haunted, would you move in? Probably not.


If you could be a radio DJ, what station would you work for? Probably for a Classic Rock station.


Ever rode a motorcycle? Years and years ago when I was a kid I rode with my uncle a couple of times.


If someone gave you spinners for your wheels, would you use them? Oh most definitely!  lol  ‘Cause we all know how cool they would look on my MINIVAN!  lol 


Do you like the shape of your fingernails? Yes.  After many years of being a nailbiter I have just recently let them grow out.


Ever used an ear candle? Why yes I have.  They work great!


If you had to marry a famous musician, who would it be? That is soooo not my lifestyle. 


What would you like to have for your next meal? Anything I don’t have to cook!  But in reality, lunch will likely be some type of leftovers that I dig out of the fridge.  And dinner is going to be homemade chicken fingers and something else.


What do you want your grandkids to call you and your spouse? Grandma and Grandpa.


Would you flip burgers at McDonald’s for bucks an hou?&

nbsp; Nope.  I don’t think I could ever work in fast food.


What room/position are you usually in when you watch TV? On the MY couch in the living room. (we each have our own couches)


Do you put salt on your watermelon? Sometimes, it’s yummy that way.


Where was the biggest bruise you’ve ever had and how did you get it? Probably the one across my chest when I was in a car accident.  That sucker hurt for a long time.


What do you eat on your hotdogs? Ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, onion, and a bun.


In tic-tac-toe, are you the X or the O? I am usually the X.

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August 15, 2008

Its interesting reading others answers to questions. I liked this one. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend at home!