They say it’s your birthday….. *E*

Well, it’s MY birthday too!!!!!!!      Bring on the and !!!  (oh and don’t forget the cake!)  lol

I don’t think there will be much celebrating today though.  We did that last weekend while my Mom was here.  On Saturday we went to dinner at Red Lobster to celebrate her birthday a little late.  And then on Sunday we went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse to celebrate my birthday.    And can I just say YUMMY!!!!!!  I splurged and had the Lobster Lovers something or other from their new menu.  TWO lobster tails and some yummy pasta.  It was sooooo good I could have literally licked the plate clean!  (but I didn’t!)  And then at Outback we happened to be there during happy hour, which was 2 for 1 drinks.  So three out of the four of us ordered drinks.  Dh and I told the waitress we wanted to split the deal and he would just take my second drink.  But she was a total knob and when she came with the drinks she had SIX drinks on her tray.  So yeah, that was ALOT to drink.  I usually only have one drink so two was a bit much.  Blech.  And certainly more than my DH usually drinks.  We were picking on him, he had been holding J on his lap and towards the end of the meal he looked over at the empty babyseat and went "where’s J?"  lol  So we just had to kid him about having to be cut off.  lol

And when my Mom came she brought the ever so popular traditional birthday cake.  Yum!  Of course my son was the first person to eat a piece out of it.  lol  And because the of busy weekend and then the bad weather at the end of it no one else got to share in the eating of the cake.  So my Mom left it all for me.  So I’ve been eating a little bit of it over the past week. 

Last night my DH took K out shopping for a present for me.  K kept telling him what he wanted to get but DH didn’t understand so he didn’t get what K was asking for.  I even tried to help him out before he left by telling him what K was telling him but he was apparently dense and didn’t understand me either.  lol  So they went and picked something out.  Came home and wrapped it in Christmas wrapping paper.  lol  I’ve not got my presents yet so I don’t know what they came up with.  But I’m not sure it’s a good sign when DH walks in the door from shopping and is holding a big bouquet of flowers and says "these are for you, just in case the presents are lame."  lol  So we shall see.

My inlaws sent their obligatory gift certificate.  lol  And DH’s Grandma sent me a card and wrote in it that these were the best years of my life raising my boys.  She speaks the truth.  And I think that’s about the extent of the acknowledgement of my entry into this world.  lol

DH has a surprise birthday party to go to after work tonight for a friend of his that he works with.  And the last time I heard he was still planning on going so I don’t know what time he’ll get home.  So it’s just me and the boys today. Nothing exciting planned, just hanging with my kiddos.

Oh and the best part of today?  I woke up with a sore throat, a slightly stuffy nose and clogged ears.  Yeah, fun!  But I’m feeling better already.  But so not what I was expecting to wake up feeling like today.



Dh came home by like 4 today instead of after 6 like normal.  The first thing he did when he came through the door was head straight to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee, changed out of his work clothes, and then flopped on the couch with his coffee and started playing games. 

Shortly after he got home both boys got up from their naps.  He continued to play until after 6:30.  At which time I said I was going out to make dinner.  He didn’t say anything.  So I got up and started making dinner.  And then he finally got off the couch and came out to the kitchen and said we could have gone out if I had wanted to but since I was already making dinner that was fine. (at that point I only had the pot of water on and nothing else!)

So I ended up staying home and making dinner for everyone tonight.  Fun, huh?  lol

But while dinner was cooking they finally gave me the present that he and K went out and bought last night.  I got a pair of pink slippers.  Apparently my son really wanted to get them for me, DH tried to dissuade him from it but he stood steadfast that I needed slippers to keep my feet "toasty"   lol 

Plus I got a nice Micky Mouse card from the boys.  My son obviously picked that out too.  lol  And from J I got a gift certificate for Barnes & Noble.  DH bought me a really sweet card too and put a gift card in it for iTunes so I can get some music for the new iPod Touch he bought me. 

So other than having to make my own dinner tonight it wasn’t too bad.

My Mom called me tonight and we talked for quite a while.  So that was nice too.  She was curious what the boys had got for me.  She got a kick out of the slippers.  I asked if she could guess what color they were and she laughed and said "they are pink" I asked her how she knew that and she said "they would have to be pink because K picked them out."  See, my son LOVES pink so everything he chooses for me is pink.  lol

Now the kids are in bed and it’s time to unwind for a few minutes and relax before heading to bed.  Another year down, another birthday behind me.  It’s all good.  lol

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March 7, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Sucks that your not feeling well though. 🙁 We have some kind of bug going on here too. Gavin and my SO both have colds and I’m hoping they keep it to themselves. Anyway, I hope you have a great day!! 😀 Oh yeah…we went to Red Lobster on my birthday too! LOL It was sooooooooo good!! I love their food!

March 7, 2008

happy birthday!! Well if the present is a bomb you can always remember the touch ipod =) hehe.

March 7, 2008

Happy birthday! Glad you’re feeling better (I bet it was the cake…that always makes me feel better…lol)

March 7, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

March 7, 2008

Happy Birthday!

March 8, 2008

I wished you a happy birthday ::sniff::