Survey Time

 1) Are you from a small town? Born and raised in a town that was 50,000+.   But I currently live in a small town that has a little over 8,000 people.


2) If you were pregnant, would you want it to be a boy or girl? I have three beautiful sons.  If I had the ability to choose what gender the next child would be I can’t lie, I would choose to have a girl.  We have always dreamed of adding a beautiful little girl to our family but someone had other plans for us!


3) Describe the last piece of jewellery you wore? My watch, wedding ring/band, anniversary ring, two sets of earrings.


4) The last person you texted says they want you to be theirs, you say? I don’t text so this is a mute point.


5) Do you think you’ve changed over the past year? Probably some.  I became a mother for the 3rd time.  And I settled some long over due personal issues so I can finally begin the grieving process and move on.


6) What kind of mobile phone do you have? We have two.  One is a Motorola Razr and the other is a Virgin Mobile something or other.  (you can tell how much I use it!  lol)


7) Did you sing at all today? Yep


8) Who was the first person you talked to today? The hubby, I told him to reset the alarm and that we all were going back to bed for a little while longer.


9) Are you happier now than you were 4 months ago? I think I’m about the same, maybe a little more towards happier in some areas and a little more away from it in others.


10) Your brother tells you he’s in jail, what do you say? My first question would be how did I get a brother?!?!?  Then I’d want to know what he did.


11) Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you’re at in life now? Honestly, I always wanted to be a SAHM raising my kids and I am.  Sure I had other aspirations to life, but those are taking a backseat for now while I enjoy the time in my life I have with my babies.


12) Are you dating someone right now? I’m married.


13) What’s on your mind right now? That I should probably go to bed soon because morning always comes way to early.


14) Can you go a day without music? Sure.  But doesn’t happen often.


15) Do you miss your past? There are parts of my past that I miss.  More so there are people from my past that I miss desperately.  


16) Would you rather spend a day outside with friends or inside alone? It depends on my mood and what activities could be done.


17) Were you happy when you woke up? I was more tired than anything!  But I was excited about being able to spend time at my son’s school and see him during the day.

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18) Do you want to go to sleep right now? Yes!


19) Are you one of those people who just don’t care? Depends.  But mostly that’s a no.


20) Do you break things when you are mad? Nope. When I’m angry, I tend to bottle things up until I about explode.


21) What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up? How short the night was due to a sick and crying baby.  


22) Are you someone who worries too often? I worry way more than I probably should about everything.


23) Could things possibly get any better? Things can always get better.


24) How did you get your last bruise? From my kids jumping on me.


25) Have you ever been around someone who was high? Not that I am aware of.


26) What time will you be getting up tomorrow morning? Whenever I feel like it!  lol  (I wish)  But in reality, I will like be woke up by my little monsters way earlier than anyone should be woken up on a weekend.


27) Are you taller than the last person you kissed? Since it was my kids’, yes!  (at least for the time being!)


28) Would you ever get a noticeable tattoo? Nope. If I ever had the courage to do something like that I would get it in a covered up place.  Just something with meaning that I know is there.


29) Are you wearing shoes? Nope.  I rarely do unless I have to go to town.  I’m a barefoot lovin’ girl.


30) What is the temperature? Last I checked, it was in the 30’s.  But it’s raining, so who knows.


31) Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? Oh yeah, all the time.


32) Did you have a weird dream last night? Yep.  Been having lots of weird dreams lately. Wish I knew why.


33) What do you really think of Starbucks Coffee? I have never had a Starbucks coffee.


34) Anywhere you’d rather be right now? Any vacation place would be nice.  Hawaii, Australia, anywhere really.  Just could use a vacation.


35) Could you go a day without eating? I have, but only when I’ve been sick.


<p style="font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-size: 13px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; “>36) Does anyone love you? Yes. 


37) Do you get bad mood swings? I don’t think so


38) Ever feel alone, even in crowded rooms? Yes. 


39) Are any parts of your body sore? Yep.  My back, which is always sore.  My arms from playing to much Wii lately.  lol


40) Can something last forever? Probably. But not in the same state as it’s in now. 


41) Do you listen to music everyday? No I don’t actively listen to is daily, but I do hear music daily in various different forms.


42) Is anything bothering you? Not at the moment.


43) What will you do this Sunday? I have no plans for the entire weekend so I don’t know what we’ll be doing on Sunday.  Except for maybe grocery shopping and doing the weekly errands that need to get done.


44) Are you starting to realise anything? That time is fleeting and I need to enjoy the ride while it lasts.


45) Who was the last person that made you cry, why? My son.  He told me that he loved me, threw his arms around my neck and gave me the biggest hug, then looked me in the eyes and said "I love you Momma.  You are the best Momma ever and you are my favorite".  


46) Have you ever fallen down stairs? Yes


47) Who knows a secret about you that no one else knows? Maybe my husband.


48) Is the last person you hugged older than you? Nope.


49) Are you nervous about anything? Not right now.


50) What is one question people always ask you? "Where is….?"  "Do you know where XYZ is, I can’t find it?"  and "Can you help me with something?"


51) Name something you have to do tonight? Go to bed.  ðŸ™‚


52) Has anyone told you a secret this week? Not a complete secret.  A friend of mine eluded to a secret but that was it, then I was left hanging waiting…..

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November 12, 2010


November 16, 2010

nice survey. I may borrow it soon. 😀

November 16, 2010

nice survey. I may borrow it soon. 😀

January 18, 2011

RYN: Thank you My mother in law said the same thing Shes really good with plants She can make cut flowers LAST FOREVER!!

June 29, 2011

RYN: Ok So the new dirt down first then the fabric stuff LOL Thank you I would have screwed that up. I have no idea what im doing when it comes to plants and yardwork.