Survey time!

1. If your life was a little glass ball, who would you trust enough to give it to?  Probably my DH.  I trusted him with my heart all those years ago I guess I could trust him with my life!  (even though I know he would lay me down somewhere and have a hard time remembering where he put me! lol)

2. Do you think our futures are already planned out for us?   I think there are definitely aspects of it that are probably already planned out for us.  The rest is left up to chance for us to figure out and do what we will with and make the best of what we were given.

3. Do adults really understand teenagers?  I think if we really tried to adults could.  But so many adults seem to have forgotten what it was like to be a teenager themselves so they just claim not to understand their kids.

4. How often do you feel like you just need OUT?   Not very often.

5. What would you do if you found out someone very close to you (for example, boy/girlfriend you’ve been dating for years) told you they were a member of the KKK?   I’m pretty sure there would be some type of discussion so each of us could try to understand the other better before we likely decided it just wasn’t going to work out for us anymore.  I don’t tolerate intolerance like that.

6. Does the music you listen to effect decisions you make in your every day life?  No, I don’t think the music affects my life decisions, but I do think my mood that day or whatever can affect the music that I choose to listen to that day.

7. In the end, will we all be forgiven?  For the most part, I think that takes place before hand.

8. Do you understand why some people want to commit suicide?  No, I don’t understand that.  I have never been able to wrap my mind around why people do that.  I know things get bad and may look hopeless but tomorrow’s another day and another chance for a better day. 

9. Have you ever been to a big protest?: Nope

10. What does it take for you to assume a guy is gay?  Usually it’s their mannerisms, manner of speech, walk, and sometimes you can assume that by the way they dress or the environment they are in.

11. Truthfully, do you want to make a difference when you grow up?   Yes, which is why I likely chose to go into social work.  But more importantly than that I want to make a difference in the lives of my own kids.  That’s my best chance to make a difference in this world is to  put wonderful people into it.

12. Are we really free in America?  Mostly I think we are.  Some places have more freedoms than we have, but there are plenty of other places in the world who have way less freedom than we do.  But our freedom doesn’t come free, it has historically come due to the loss of lives and such during wars where we fought for our freedoms.  So our freedom isn’t exactly free.

13. Are you/have you ever been clinically depressed?: Nope

14. Do you have any mental disorders, etc?: None

15. Is it noble of a person to actually forgive everyone, even people like Saddam Hussein?:  I’m not sure we are intended to forgive everyone.  I don’t think I would be able to do that.

16. Is it fair for a president to draft soldiers to the army?  No.  I think military service should be voluntary.  No one else, no matter who they are, should have the power to decide someone else’s fate.  And by drafting people into the military that is exactly what is happening, someone else is making the decision to send a person into military service where they have a great potential to die. 

17. Are we a lost generation?: I don’t think so.

18. Is it bad to call someone retarded?   If you say it to be demeaning or to make jest of someone who obviously has some type of disability, then yes, most definitely.  But I know growing up it was a well tossed around word in stupid childhood conversations.  I guess maybe?

19. Would you consider AIDS the worst disease on earth?: AIDS might be the worst disease on certain areas of the world but not overall I don’t think.  Science and medicine has come a long way since the advent of that disease and people can better manage and live with it for a long time.  Cancer seems to be becoming the most prevalent disease lately.

20. Does God owe us an explanation?   For what?? 

21. What the heck are we fighting for?: I wish I knew.

22. Is money the root of all evil?: No the LOVE of money  and the greed to do whatever it takes to get it is the root of all evil.  Let’s face it, money is just a necessary evil.  Nothing in the world can be done without it.

23. Is everyone a good person at heart?  I think we start out that way.  It’s the things along the way that shape us into who we become.

24. If a young woman was raped and got pregnant, and then decided to get an abortion, would you still consider her a "baby killer"?:  that’s always a hard question to answer.  I don’t think I would consider her a ‘baby killer’.  AFter all, there are not many people who could handle carrying a child for that length of time after such a horrible ordeal.  And I’m not sure there is anyone who has the right to tell her otherwise.  It’s a personal choice and not for others to judge.

25. Do you want to be alive when the antichrist comes, just to experience it?: don’t know.

26. Are you a good person at heart?: yes, I’d like to think so.

27. Is it really wrong for teachers to hug their students?: Some kids need someone to hug them. If the motives are pure, there is nothing wrong with it

28. Would you mind being president?: yes

29. Do you find it weird, that you never know what your future will bring, and you might really end up president, or the first lady?: yes

30. Are "followers" really that bad, considering you cant have a leader without them?:   I don’t think followers are bad.  Someone has to lead and someone has to follow, that’s how things get done.

31. Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?: I think so, but I don’t remember for sure.

32. If you answered yes to #31, did you enjoy it? like I said, I can’t remember if I’ve seen it.  I know I contemplated seeing it but don’t know if I actually have done it or not. 

33. If you answered no to #31, why not?: n/a

34. Have you ever told someone ‘Go to hell’ and really meant it?:Nope, but there is one person that I feel like telling that to now.  But even though I feel like doing it I never would even though she has told me that and I know she meant it.

35. Do you give homeless people spare change, even though you know they’ll just buy booze or drugs?:   No I do not.

36. When someone does something you know is wrong, like make a racist or sexist comment, what do you do?:
For the most part I ignore it if it’s someone I don’t know all that well.

But if it’s someone I know well then I usually try and say something to correct them.

37. Are you embarrassed by your family’s background?: Nope, not at all.    After all, if it weren’t for their background I wouldn’t be who I am today and I don’t think you can be embarrassed by that.

38. Even if you don’t believe Jesus was our savior, do you still think that he was very noble?: I guess

39. Is God really watching over us?: I guess

40. What do you picture heaven to be like?: This is a huge question mark for me.  I have no idea, but I know it’s got to be better then the alternative.  I mean honestly, does anyone ever really know what it’s like.  There’s no way to know that unless you’ve been there but since your still alive then I guess you wouldn’t have been there to find out.  Right?

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March 18, 2008

really interesting. might steal this one.