survey, survey

1] Have you ever showered with someone?

Yes I have. 


2] Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?

Yep, every day.


3] Where was the first kiss you had with the last person you kissed?

At a friends house, standing in the dining room in the dark with just the streetlights shining in through the windows.  It went so well that we moved out into the street outside on a brisk October night with a slight fog rolling in and the quiet all around us. He stood there in his socks on damp pavement and didn’t even care.  lol  It was awesome!


4] Who is your last text from & what does it say?

don’t use text


5] Burger King or Wendy’s?



6] Latest you stayed up in the past week/

4 a.m.


7] Where are you right now?

On my couch!


8]Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?

Yes I do


9] What were you doing at 10:30 last night?

Getting ready to drive back home.


10] Are you listening to music right now?



11] Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today?

No one has texted me because I don’t have text. 


12] What is the 7th text in your inbox say and from who?

again, no text!


13] Do you have a big smile today?

Not yet.


13] Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?

I guess not, not really.


14] How long can you go without your phone?

For quite awhile, no one calls me.  Hubby is the only one that calls home every day when he’s leaving work otherwise our house phone rarely gets any calls.  And I’ve had my new cell phone now for 2 months and have literally only gotten like 2-3 calls total in that amount of time.  So I could do ok without a phone for a while!


15] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone & what did you talk about?

My Mom on our drive home last night.  She called to tell me that they went and checked out who was at this park where we are having an event in the near future becuase we saw trucks down there at 10:45 last night and that was not normal.  Everything checked out ok though, so no worries.  lol


16] Who last called you babe/baby?

probably my husband, but that would have been a loooooooong time ago because I can’t remember when he would have called me that!


17] Does your phone ring in the middle of the night often?

No, thank God!  I hate it when it does because it usually is bad news.


18] Do you know anyone who is married that shouldn’t be?

Unfortunately, yes.  And the worst part is that it just happened this past weekend.  🙁   I wish he were happy but he doesn’t seem to be. 


19] If your ex said they hate you, you say?

Sorry you feel that way, but you need to move on.


20] Do you curse in front of your parents?

very, very rarely.  I think it only has happened when I  have been really mad about something and then anything goes.


21] What is your current annoyance?

That I may have to venture out and get a ton of things done today but it’s pouring rain so I’m going to get soaked getting the kids in and out over and over again.  Blech.



23] Last time you saw fireworks, with who & where?

It was the Sunday before July 4th, we watched the neighboring town’s fireworks from our deck.  And then on July 4th we saw a few here and there from a couple of different neighboring town’s back home.  First time it was just my oldest son and I and then the 2nd time it was with both kids, my DH and my Mom.


24] Who did you last lay in bed with?

my hubby


25] Are you afraid of roller coasters?

Yes, I HATE them!


26] What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving?

I’d want to know if she was moving closer to where I live! 


27] Who pissed you off yesterday?

My DH.  He was just being…….male. 

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August 4, 2008

Those goofy men. Why do they have to be so male sometimes??? Lol

August 4, 2008

RYN: Invisible Ink is the best!! But alas, it was actually me. I kept trying to hit enter and it would save instead of giving me another line. Stupid OD!