Survey, survey

How long have you been a Mom?

It’s been  4 years now.

How many children call you Mommy?


Girl? Boy? or both?

Two boys

Did you know what you were having?

With my oldest we wanted a surprise.  With out youngest we found out because we wanted to be able to prepare if it were a girl, but it was a boy.  But I can honestly say, if we had it to do all over again we wouldn’t find out again.  It was nice to know but it was kind of a let down to not have that surprise at the end.

How old were you when you became a Mom?

I was almost 28

How long were you in labor?

With my oldest I was in active labor for 15 hours, pushed for 4 long solid hours.  And with my youngest I was in labor for 2 hours and pushed only a handful of times before he was born.  We barely made it to the hospital this last time!  lol

What’s your favorite thing about being a Mom?

Everything 🙂

What’s your least favorite thing?

I thought I wouldn’t like the puke and whatnot  (not saying I like it but it doesn’t bother me as much as I had always thought it would).  But what I dislike the most is the blowout diarrhea diapers.  Yuck! 

Do you want more kids?

Yes.  I would like two more but I would settle for one more.

Do you plan on having more soon?

Right now we aren’t ‘planning’ on having any more.  We still discuss it but it’s on hold for the time being.

How many times have you been pee’d on?

Surprisingly enough with two boys, not very much!  I’ve been pretty lucky.

Barfed on?

I’ve been spit up on a ton, especially with our oldest.  But I think maybe once I was actually thrown up on.

Is your child named after anyone?

Yes, both of my sons are.  My older sons middle name is Davis and that is a combination of David (my cousin who is his Godfather’s name) and Avis (my aunt who was killed in 2003 while I was pregnant).  And my youngest sons middle name is Thomas named after M’s Dad who I called "Grandpa" when I was a kid just as my kids called M "Grandpa".

How did you come up with their names?

We searched and searched and searched before we finally came up with a name for my oldest son about a week or so before he was born! lol  With our youngest we searched some and were really undecided.  Jacob was a name that we had tossed around a little with out oldest and it just seemed to fit this time so we chose it.

When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy?

It depends, we both get that from time to time.

What is the longest you have been away from your children?

From K we went to Texas for 3 days and left him at our house with my Mom.  And so far with J it’s only been like an overnight thing while I stayed in the hospital with a dying friend.  Otherwise it would only be the time I spent in the hospital having J that I was away from K.

Bedtime routine?

For the oldest:  potty, teeth, jammies, look at his brother, drink, story, sleep

For the youngest:  diaper change, jammies, goofing around with brother and/or us, bottle,  tucked in, sleep

Are your toes painted?


Last movie you saw in the theater?

I honestly don’t remember, it was back in 2003 I think.  lol

One thing you will not give up just because you’re a mom?

Being me

One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom?

For the time being, a career.  But I figure I can always work, but I won’t be able to have this opportunity to be at home raising my kids ever again.  This is a once in a lifetime chance and I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world.

Best Mom perk?

Hearing "I love you Mommy", snuggles, hugs, kisses, smiles, and having someone who is genuinely happy that your there for them.

Snack you sneak bites from your child?

Don’t have to sneak anything usually.  lol

When the kid is napping, you are?

Cleaning, doing laundry, browsing the internet, catching up with emails

Where is your child(ren) now?

goofing around with each other.  lol

Favorite place to buy maternity clothes?

I liked Old Navy.  There used to be a specialty maternity store back home and in our town but both have gone out.  Basically it was any place where I could find clothes that fit a more plus size Mommy.  lol

If I could do it over, I’d do this differently…

I wouldn’t find out the gender ahead of time.  The birth of a child is one of life’s last mysteries and most wonderful surprises and shouldn’t be ruined ahead of time by curiosity or pressure from others to know what your having.

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March 31, 2008

I loved this survey!! And I totally feel the same about finding out the sex of the baby. It was a slight let down when I had Gavin. With Noah, it was a total suprise when he came out and I loved not knowing. It does make things harder to plan, but I like yellow and green! LOL