Survey or something like it

 Stolen from jennyjo79. 🙂


1. It’s 2AM on the weekend, and you are not home. You are more than likely:

– Well, at least once a year it would mean we are on vacation at DH’s Aunt/Uncle’s house, and I would still be up chatting the night away. 🙂  It’s rare that I would not be home on at that time otherwise.


2. What’s the last thing you spent more than $100 on?

– Groceries


3. What do your bank checks look like?

– the Nova (some space thing)


4. Where did the shirt you are currently wearing come from?

– Kohl’s


5. Name something that is on your Christmas wish list:

– new watch since mine is dying or a new set of cookware.


6. What color is your toothbrush?

– silver and purple


7. Name something you collect…

– Willow Tree angels


8. Last restaurant you ate at?

– Perkins


9. Last person you bought a Birthday card for?

– My youngest son.  But I need to get my DH one soon (*makes mental note*)


10. What is your worst bad habit?

–  procrastinating.


11. Name a magazine you subscribe to?

– Taste of Home (various different ones)


12. Your favorite pizza toppings?

-Canadian bacon, mushrooms, pineapple.


13. Who’s number were you looking up the last time you used a phone book?

<p style="color: rgb(112, 27, 112); font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 13px; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; “>- Farm and Fleet


14. Who is the person that you love most?

– Close tie between my kids’ and my hubby.


15. What is the last thing you cooked?

– Grilled cheese for lunch yesterday.  


16. Name something you wouldn’t want to buy used?

– Underwear. <–ditto


17. Which shoe do you put on first?

– the left.


18. What is the last thing you remember losing?

– My mind!  lol  I typically don’t lose things, so I don’t know.


19. What is the ugliest piece of furniture in your house?

– The couch my DH bought while in college.  It’s black with a paisley print all over it.  It’s ugly, well used, cushions are starting to rip.  But it is THE most comfortable couch for taking a nap on.  😉  A slipcover fixes all it’s blemishes and it is the preferred place to sleep for my Mom when she visits and for the kids to chill out on and watch movies, so I forsee it sticking around for a while. lol


20. Last thing you bought and ended up returning?

– A pair of capris.  Bought to identical pair and one totally didn’t fit.  Was a real head scratcher.  


21. What perfume/cologne do you wear?

– Charlie White


22. Your favorite board game?

– Scrabble


23. Last board game you played?

– Hmmm, don’t remember, it’s been a while.


24. Where did your vehicle come from?

–  South Carolina.  My FIL bought it for me a few years back, so we had to fly down and then drive it back up.


25. If a movie was made about your life what would the theme song be?

Hmmm … good question?  Sometimes "Cathy’s Clowns"  or "Sweet Child of Mine"


26. You’re sad, who can cheer you up easily?

– Usually my boys’.


27. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to?

– Sage green I think.  haven’t been to a wedding in a long time.


28. What house cleaning chore do you hate to do the most?

– Cleaning toilets/bathrooms.


29. What is your favorite way to eat chicken?

– Broasted or the extra crispy yumminess from KFC.  I like the part that’s no good for you!  lol


30. It is your birthday. You hope the cake is?

– My son bought me one a year or so ago that was turtle.  It was so rich, creamy and yummy.  I bought it a couple more times and then the store stopped making it.  🙁  It’s hard to describe and I haven’t found anything like it since.  Boo.

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August 5, 2010

RYN: He’s not sure yet. He should find out this week though. It would be nice!