
Well, today took a turn that I could have never forseen.  I ended up having surgery today.


At 5:30 this morning I was awoken by a sharp, horrible pain in my abdomen.  I tried to get comfy in bed but wasn’t having any luck.  So I decided to get up and go to the bathroom to see if that helped, it didn’t really.  When I crawled back into bed I moved just wrong and got ‘shocked’ by a huge sharp pain that took my breath away and made me scream out.  That woke up DH who immediately said I needed to get to the hospital.  I told hIm if anything I was going to wait until Urgent Care opened and go there.  But that was at least another couple of hours before that opened.  So DH finally conviced me to head to the ER.  He stayed at home with the boys and I headed out.

Got there and was checked in and getting checked out by the nurses by 7 a.m.  Dr came in, asked a ton of questions, then ordered labs to be taken to try and figure out what might wrong.  So I had 5 huge vials of blood drawn, but until the tech about killed me trying to get the line in.  I’m a hard stick, so I never hold it against them, not their fault after all.  Then ahd to do a urnialysis.  I honestly figured I was dealing with a reoccurance of the UTI/bladder infection that I had after E was born.  But all those came back negative.  But my white blood cell count was elevated.

The Dr ordered a CT scan with contrast and dye.  So I had to drink this huge 32 oz thing of liquid contrast in a short amount of time.  Then when I had the scan done they injected the dye into my IV.  That was weird.  I felt all warm all over, strange feeling.  Results showed that my appendix was enlarged.  But it was in the early stages.

So the Dr said I was going to have surgery today.  Next thing I know the surical intern was down to talk to me, ask a ton of questions, and get all the info they needed so he could talk ot his boss to make sure I did in fact need surgery.  He said if I didn’t today, then I would soon.  But he said it could become severely infected, at which time they would drain it with  a large needle in the stomach.  But then I would have to wait a certain amount of time and then have surgery anyway.  So we went with just getting it done today.

DH and the boys came to see me while I was in pre-op.  They left around 2 p.m. when they started to get me ready to go in.  I went into surgery aroun 3 p.m. today.  I recall being wheeled into the OR, talking to them a bit, but then that was it.  I woke up and was in recovery and it was all over with.  So I lost some time today.  lol  DH called after 4 and I was still in surgery they said.  I was back in recovery by around 5.  And I was released out of the hospital by 6.  They waste no time in getting you out of there!  lol  they originally talked about letting me stay the night so I could rest and they could keep an eye on me, but they must have changed their minds.  DH, the boys and my Mom came to get me fromt eh hospital. Since I had driven myself they had to take my van back home since I wasn’t allowed to drive. 


But I’m home now. I have 4 holes in my tummy at this point. I’m pretty sore and tender but I can get around surprisingly well considering only a few short hours ago I had surgery.  My Mom is here to spend the next few days with me to help me out.  DH ended up missing a day of work today, but he has to work the rest of the week becuase he has some deadlines to meet and his boss is on vacation next week so he has to submit them before she leaves on Friday.  So she’ll be here to help me out.  I just hope that the pain will be gone once the surgery pain subsides.  And I hope that the appendix was the problem.

Yeah, so my Tuesday shaped up to be way different than I had anticipated.  With all of the other things going on in our family this was the last thing we needed (DH’s Grandma is terminal and we are in the waiting game for the end at this point).  But we’ll get through this and survive.  But I’m off to help put my boys’ to bed, then get some rest myself.



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Random Noter: wow sounds like a rough day. It’s a good thing you let DH convince you to get to the hospital though =). take it easy and hopefully everything will get better for ya ♥

August 2, 2009

My goodness! Its a good thing you didn’t wait around, btdt that with my appendix about 18 years ago and it was NOT fun!!! Feel better…the lap incisions should heal pretty quickly :o)