
Today my youngest son had surgery.  So it’s been a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggg day for all of us.  I got up a little after 5 and got ready and then just snatched him out of his crib and took off last minute to get to the hospital by 6.  Not to mention that I couldn’t fall asleep until almost 1 last night, then as soon as I dozed little man woke up so I went to him and then had a hard time getting back to sleep.  So short night and long day makes for a very tired Momma.


Things moved pretty quickly once we got checked in.  I was honestly surprised at that to tell the truth.  Last time when K had this done they had us check in at like 5 a.m. and he was supposed to ahve surgery at like 7 but it got pushed back until just before 8.  Very hard to keep a cranky, tired, and starving 18 month old entertained for that length of time.  But today I checked in at 6, got taken back a few minutes later and we were on our way to surgery prep.  The nurses came in, the anesthesiologist came and talked to me (he was awesome and did a great job telling me things) and then the surgeon talked to me, a whole bunch of people were in and out of that room.  Just before 7 I got all suited up in a snazzy paper white jumpsuit, blue hair bonnet thingy, blue shoe covers and then a face mask.  I tell ya, I was styling!  lol  So much so that J couldn’t take his eyes off of me, he must have thought I looked like an alien.


At 7 they escorted the two of us back to the OR where about a half dozen other people were standing awaiting our arrival.  They got J all set on the operating table, I helped hold him down and talked to him until he went to sleep.  Didn’t take very long for him to go out.  I was glad to see that, with K he fought so hard for so long that it made it super hard on me to hold him down and watch that.  When J was out then they took me back to the room to get out of my sterile suit.  When I was all undressed I went out to the waiting room to wait. I don’t like sitting in small rooms and waiting so I figured it would be better out there.  I wasn’t out there long when the surgeon came out to tell me at 7:15 that J was done and in recovery

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July 22, 2008

I’m happy to hear that things went so smoothly for you this time! I hope little K is recovering well and you’re getting some much needed sleep.