
 Hi, my name is… Cathy


This time next year… I will have two kids in school full time and one at home.


The one person who can drive me nuts is…….my husband


When I’m nervous… I play with my hands


The last time I cried was…… today because there’s just been alot to deal with lately and it’s overwhelming.


If I were to get married right now, my maid of honour would be…….. my sister in law


My hair is……in need of a cut.


When I was 5… I was in kindergarten.


Last Christmas……. Was the first one in a couple of years where no one was sick.


I should be…… in bed.


When I look down, I see…… college alumni shirt


The happiest recent event was……..taking my kids to the corn maze, they had the best time!


If I were a character on ‘Friends’ I’d be… not sure I fit any of the characters.


I have a hard time understanding….one of my friends.  She just makes choices that make you wonder how/why.


There’s this girl I know that…….is like my sister from another Mother.  lol  


You know I like you when….. I joke around with you.


If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be… my Mom


Take my advice……enjoy every moment with your children because they grow up way to fast.


Something that I really want to buy is… a new van.


If you visited the place I was born… you would see alot of farms and beautiful countryside.


I plan to visit….Australia again someday.


If you spend the night at my house……. Little boys’ will want to play with you and things will get loud.


The world could do without…..war.


Most recent thing I’ve bought for someone…….I bought the kids clothes.


My favorite color is… Burgundy


My favorite redhead is… my oldest son.


My middle name is… Della, after my Grandma


This morning I…… woke up at 7:10 just like every weekday so I can get my boys’ off to school.


The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are…… pigs. lol


Last night I was…. home, like always.


There’s this guy I know who……. is very good with computers.


The last guy I kissed… my sons’ at bedtime tonight.


I don’t know why… people feel entitled to something they have not earned.


The one thing I want in the next five years is……. another child.


Tomorrow I am… running errands and going grocery shopping like I do every Saturday.


Tonight I am………. watching TV, horsing around on the computer and thinking about heading to bed to read.


My birthday is… coming up in March.


What I really wanted for Valentine’s Day was…… acknowledgement.  A card, chocolates, a nice dinner or flowers would have been nice too.


Last time I was scared was…a while ago.


Every day I use… computer


The closest thing I see to me that is blue is……… my son’s stuffed monkey.


The last person I talked to… my sons’.


Today, for lunch I had… fish and chips at the new(ish) Irish Pub in town.


Now I’m going to… go to bed and read.  ðŸ™‚

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November 3, 2011

RYN: Cool! I predict that being a Neilsen family might have the opposite effect they are looking for in that I may be so sick or writing things down I will just stop watching!